Example sentences of "by keeping [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who became insolvent by keeping no books , never taking stock and going on year after year without knowing how their affairs stood , was like a child at school who found to his surprise that he had but one halfpenny left in his pocket .
2 It is clear that as a matter of prudent management in a firm of any size one of the partners or a senior member of staff should be given overall responsibility for ensuring that all partners and employed solicitors ( whether or not held out as partners ) comply with these basic requirements of professional practice ( by keeping a check on replacement and renewal dates , collating relevant statistical information , ensuring timeous completion and posting of applications , etc ) and that the firm is spared the embarrassment of financial penalties or , even worse , an unwanted dissolution .
3 It has been held , however , that the licensing board is not entitled to make it a condition of the renewal of a licence that the applicant use his premises in a particular way , as , for example , by keeping a door locked : Smith v. Portsmouth JJ. [ 1906 ] 2 K.B .
4 By keeping a sense of direction and watching your timing throughout the project , you reduce to a minimum the risk of last-minute panic .
5 Det Sgt Norburn , of the Yorkshire force said : ‘ Anyone who is going to take a holiday in Greece can play their part by keeping a lookout for a child with a shock of white hair and a friendly disposition . ’
6 The pupils provide their own food by keeping a cow , a couple of fish ponds , a large vegetable garden and some hens .
7 Parents can be motivated by keeping a weight chart for the child so that they see progress or failure and the aim of treatment is kept in mind .
8 You can protect yourself by keeping a count of what you drink .
9 ‘ I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
10 The concept underlying the proposed storage system was that files and documents would be subject to central management , achieved by keeping a record on the proposed indexing system .
11 By keeping an eye on him , the reader was able to feel confident that he was audible .
12 The launch should always be stopped if an overrun occurs , and if the launch continues in spite of pulling the release the pilot should make every effort to prevent the glider from leaving the ground by keeping the stick right forward .
13 Such ideal conditions contrast sharply with the actual experiences of ‘ war communism ’ : money became valueless because of the disappearance of goods , wages were replaced by rations — the rations of abject poverty not abundance — prices became imaginary because money no longer had any value , and paper money was issued by keeping the printing presses working day and night , amounting to hyper-inflation !
14 Sharp drainage is essential , especially in high rainfall areas , but pea gravel or grit mulches help by keeping the necks of the plants dry .
15 The job of the competitive party system was to uphold the competitive market society , by keeping the government responsive to the shifting majority interests of those who were running the market society .
16 Not that there is anything to lose by keeping the door open , but really I believed it is every man for himself .
17 Yet while we readily blame employers for their extra exploitation of women as cheap labour , and the state for regulating women 's economic dependence on men , we protect men from the shame of their participation in women 's poverty by keeping the secret .
18 Tall narrow windows can be made into a feature by keeping the treatment simple and fitting a roller or Roman blind within the window embrasure in order to preserve its outline .
19 They talked about how to write The Yellow Chair , whether to make it stark and classical by keeping the unities , restricting the action to the terrible days of the battle with Gauguin , or whether to make it episodic and epic , to introduce Theo at least and maybe other figures , even the looming pastor from Nuenen .
20 By keeping the Snotties slightly apart they wo n't get involved in a larger combat and the casualties they suffer will be of no account .
21 Clever western diplomacy could try to make him appear less heroic , by keeping the linkage vague , but then — unless he has belatedly realised the hopelessness of his position — he would see no benefit in it .
22 By keeping the pride of achievement entirely to yourself and letting only the foul consequences of your activities out on the community !
23 In the Allotment , by keeping the wall at close range , a line of potholes will be seen , the most significant of these being juniper Gulf which descends for over 400 feet .
24 Black , from Invergordon , near Inverness , won the Scottish qualifying competition by keeping the ball up 5,211 times during an astonishing 56-minute demonstration of his prowess .
25 The Government would serve us better by keeping the mines open , even if they are making a loss .
26 Audi hopes to achieve high sales by keeping the price increase modest , which suggests the new range will run from around £17,000 for the 2.0E to £26,000 for the Turbo quattro .
27 The pilot has to provide the balancing force by keeping the rudder fully deflected to oppose the turning moment of the live engine .
28 By keeping the shoulder turn at 90 degrees to the spine angle , your body posture will remain constant throughout the swing ( Diagram B )
29 Whilst windsurfing , by keeping the head level you are giving your body the best chance of keeping its balance beneath you .
30 All have come short of the divine standard for human life ; none can lay claim to earning the verdict of acquittal by keeping the law in its entirety : ‘ for there is no distinction , since all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ’ ( Rom. 3:23 ) .
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