Example sentences of "by the same amount " in BNC.

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1 The Bank of France pushed up its intervention rate by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent and its five-to 10-day repurchase rate rose by the same amount to 10.25 per cent .
2 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
3 It has been calculated that if every driver in the United States reduced petrol consumption by 5% , and every family lowered its central heating temperature by 6 degrees and raised the air conditioning temperature by the same amount , the saving would be the equivalent of the total oil consumption for the continent of Africa .
4 Private borrowing is likely to rise by the same amount and may rise by even more if the privatised company is able to borrow freely from the market rather than relying on the government .
5 What matters is access to Japan 's markets ; America would be content if Japan increased its imports and exports by the same amount ( leaving the trade balance , and the associated accounting identities , undisturbed ) .
6 If income support is in payment , there is unlikely to be any advantage for the local authority in pursuing maintenance as the DSS will simply reduce their contribution by the same amount .
7 The other crucial feature of the process is the magnitude of change in national income : if injections increased by £100 million , for example , would national income rise by the same amount ?
8 The concentrations of freon eleven and freon twelve dissolved in surface waters have both increased dramatically since nineteen fifty but not by the same amount and so measuring their ratio in a sea water sample will tell us how old the water is .
9 Employment in construction fell by 7000 over the period and employment in transport and communications fell by the same amount .
10 By the same amount .
11 A clock that 's going fast , looked at by someone whose mind is churning over faster by the same amount , seems to be going at the normal rate ! ’
12 Indeed , according to Hamnett and Williams ( 1980 ) , gentrification or ‘ Chelseafication ’ was already proceeding rapidly in London during the 1970s — to the extent that the proportion of professional , managerial and intermediate non-manual workers in Inner London 's population increased by the same amount as for Greater London as a whole ( Hamnett , 1986 ) .
13 This strategy was to devote 20% of the fund to buying futures when they were underpriced by a specified amount , and closing out these futures positions when the futures were overpriced by the same amount .
14 Note that when a share goes ex dividend this should have no effect on the price of the index future because both S and D will fall by the same amount ( the present value of the dividend ) .
15 Advances will be larger by the amount of the loan and the bank 's operational balances will be smaller by the same amount .
16 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
17 The housing may rise in value , but people 's relative incomes may not necessarily rise by the same amount .
18 Historical records showed that every time the quantity manufactured doubled , the cost per unit reduced by the same amount .
19 Had that guess of 3% proved right , GDP should comfortably have expanded by the same amount .
20 The bank column is increased by £1,000 and the owners ' equity column by the same amount .
21 The balanced budget multiplier states that ‘ increasing both and by the same amount raises income by .
22 If central government cuts taxes , so that the income of a representative individual increased by the same amount , the increase in local spending should be identical .
23 Additional output is and , as total benefit increases by , this permits an increase of the budget ( from local sources ) by the same amount .
24 A cut in taxes that raised residents ' incomes by the same amount as the lump-sum grant would be expected to produce the same amount as the lump-sum grant .
25 The clearing banks used to change their interest rates on advances and deposits automatically by the same amount that Bank rate changed .
26 Industries will be banned from using high-sulphur content fuels , the use of government cars in winter will be cut by 30 per cent , and production at the city 's two electricity plants reduced by the same amount .
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