Example sentences of "by the difference in " in BNC.

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1 The position is exacerbated by the differences in the competence of different authorities .
2 They are best told apart by the differences in head shape — labiatum has thicker lips and citrinellum has a larger hump resulting in a steeper forehead profile .
3 Although the total viewing audiences were significantly less than that achieved by association football , this , it is suggested , is partially to be explained by the differences in transmission times , for , unlike the soccer event , no ‘ significant ’ matches were played during the peak television viewing times of the day .
4 As in the seventeenth century , the development of political consciousness was inhibited by the low cultural level of provincial noblemen , and by the differences in outlook between noblemen of different regions and different degrees of wealth .
5 It is made none the easier by the differences in approach used to analyze the nature of the problem .
6 First , at the θ = 0° position the motional voltage has a considerable influence on the chopping behaviour , as shown by the differences in the results for the motor stationary and operating at 1 000 steps per second .
7 This process is complicated by the differences in salary , qualification and experience which exist between field social workers who hold legal responsibility for such children and their residential colleagues who provide care for those children who are placed in children 's homes .
8 The variation here is accounted for by the differences in the very small number of entrants gaining firsts .
9 Their different ethos was illustrated by the difference in the virtues which they celebrated .
10 I am fascinated by the difference in the markings on ( some ) of these aircraft .
11 It is very good practice to store high-level indexes on these devices , so that every direct reference is reduced by the difference in timing .
12 Thus , the tRNA ( m 2 G6 ) - and the tRNA ( m 2 G26 ) methyltransferases clearly have different structural requirements as shown by the difference in sensitivity to the mutations in tRNA Asp .
13 The first are generated by scanners and need careful handling , the accompanying bitmap for display purposes may not reproduce properly although the image will print correctly — this is caused by the difference in screen resolutions between the two systems .
14 Nenna was struck by the difference in her elder daughter since she had seen her last .
15 Stars in the galaxy that come too near this black hole will be torn apart by the difference in the gravitational forces on their near and far sides .
16 From any solution of this equation we can generate equivalent solutions by changing coordinates ; they are equivalent because the measurable tidal effects are determined by the difference in h at two places and remain the same whatever the choice of coordinates .
17 Spoiled and wilful she might be at times , but the emotional distance between them caused by the difference in their ages and their forced separation in childhood had slowly been closing over the past two years .
18 The importance of considering the task which the subject is actually performing is made clear by the difference in results obtained from studies using different tasks during the arousal manipulation .
19 We may also draw attention to the fact that it is possible logically , even if not biologically , to use old , with the same effect as it has in the phrase Charlie 's old school , in combination with the word mother ; the incongruity of the result should give us a very sharp view of the difference between the ordinary referential variation of adjectives used relativistically , and the semantic effect produced by the difference in type of relation at work in ( 33 ) and ( 34 ) .
20 We have attributed these effects to the difference in fibre content of the two diets but some contribution may have been made by the difference in protein content as some protein may have reached the colon and also have been fermented .
21 The acute fall in calcium was calculated by the difference in the pretreatment CCa compared with the CCa at day 6 or 7 after pamidronate .
22 You can only distinguish your library card from that of a book by the difference in the thickness of one line .
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