Example sentences of "at [art] very end " in BNC.

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1 And at the very end of the decade , after this chapter had been written , Provincial announced that such was the cost of retaining ageing DMUs that in 1990 some services would be temporarily reduced until more Sprinters come on stream .
2 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
3 At the very end of his lite , writing again of the importance of how his experience as a homosexual had pushed him along the path of revolt , and recalling joyfully one of his lovers , Mala , Gide adds :
4 He told her so at the very end .
5 It was such a jolly little lighthouse , white , and standing at the very end of a promontory .
6 His room lay at the very end of the corridor , beyond the locked doors of closets and bedrooms and attic steps .
7 To his left the row of coats like so many black and patient predators ; to his right the secret horrors trapped beyond the cellar door ; and between them , at the very end of the unlit corridor , Sweetheart 's daytime room , the kitchen .
8 At the very end of the movie Phar Lap a newspaper reporter in Australia seeks out trainer Harry Telford , who has just received news of the horse 's tragic end .
9 He spent like four hours or something with the attorney general and with these three other staff over there … and they spent most of the time talking about all aspects of the Iran initiative and so forth , and then at the very end Meese pulled out that April memo … and said , ‘ what about this ? ’
10 Perhaps once in a film , for a special moment , I might show the whole orchestra , or perhaps at the very end , with the lights down .
11 Ironically , when , at the very end of the war , Prague was again under siege , this time by the protestant forces , the by-now Catholic citizens of Prague defended the bridge for three months with a zeal they had failed to show in 1620 .
12 When she learned that her brother , at the very end of the battle , had lost only a leg and not his life , the relief was great .
13 But then , suddenly , at the very end of his report , Abercrombie writes something quite extraordinary , as if a bright and penetrating light has suddenly fallen upon the land of dreams .
14 Grandparents who moved in only at the very end of their lives , just for a few last months , rarely left much of a mark unless earlier contact had been important .
15 The rig change is done at the very end of the turn which will involve a few seconds of clew first sailing
16 And when the platform emptied , he could see at the very end of it , a forlorn figure sitting all by herself .
17 The overriding problem is that unlike most criminal acts where one knows clearly that one has committed a crime , one can often only know one has published obscene or indecent material at the very end of a prosecution .
18 Yet another element was added to the civilization of Palermo ; and at the very end of our period , in the late 1140s , King Roger II , greatest of the Norman rulers of south Italy and Sicily , created the monument which above all others links us to his world , the royal chapel , the Capella Palatina , Norman Romanesque in architecture , Byzantine in its mosaics , Islamic in its strange and fascinating ceiling .
19 Tom passed them by without a glance , heading for the door at the very end of the corridor .
20 I did n't go into the parents ' room but went on beyond it to find myself in the rear part of the carriage , at the very end of the train .
21 Some three months after the bombing , at the very end of the old year and on the eve of the next one , choosing the date with a certain bitter amusement , Edouard left the house at St-Cloud in the late evening , and drove , alone , into the centre of Paris .
22 The village church , tucked away at the very end of a winding leafy lane , is dedicated to St Mary .
23 At the very end of the Cretaceous there was a spurt of competition among other herbivores to grow protective bony armour and to lengthen increasingly heavy and muscular tails .
24 The other thing is that these people have a really good handle on the EQ'ing process at the very end .
25 At the very end of this volume , Julian offers a brief glimpse into the world of MIDI — often considered a dark and hostile place by guitar players , but the very life-blood of the modern , sequencer-based home studio .
26 Once again , at the very end of this , the longest video of the three , Julian sneaks in some additional MIDI-based information , leading you on to the rather more complex volume three .
27 As many of you noticed , one single letter at the very end of the answers to our August quiz was incorrect .
28 And to my recollection , no one for whom Prost has ever driven has had a bad word to say about him , save at the very end of Prost 's career with Renault , when other factors that had nothing to do with driving intruded .
29 Thus at the very end of Volume Three Frodo sings again ‘ the old walking-song , but the words were not quite the same ’ ; he says not ‘ we may … take the hidden paths that run , /Towards the Moon or to the Sun ’ , but ‘ I shall ’ .
30 The Coroner was in his early forties , a gaunt , greying man , with thick spectacles perched at the very end of his nose .
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