Example sentences of "at [art] wrong [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her letter came at the wrongest time .
2 And if you , you go and see a G P at the end of the financial year or at the wrong part of the financial year , then you may be referred to somewhere strictly because that 's all the G P can , can afford to send you .
3 However , we should not do that if we joined at the wrong exchange rate — as happened , as the hon. Member for Newham , North-East ( Mr. Leighton ) explained , with eastern Germany .
4 He said that the deutschmark had been introduced into the former East Germany in mid-1990 [ see p. 37660 ] " with practically no preparation or possibility of adjustment , and , I would add , at the wrong exchange rate " ; the result had been " a disaster " and rendered eastern Germany " completely uncompetitive " .
5 It was just aimed at the wrong person . ’
6 I do n't really , oh I 'm looking at the wrong bit .
7 Alyssia smiled back and wondered whether she should pretend that she had somehow ended up at the wrong address .
8 We look like we came to the wrong party — like we brought our adopted son to his friend 's birthday , and called at the wrong address .
9 When a user says ‘ I want to introduce fonts into my document ’ he is thinking at the wrong level .
10 the basis is you keep going in at the wrong level it 's the educational process at ground level
11 It was certainly there , and was very wide , and at the wrong angle to fit the building to which it belonged .
12 ‘ Story of my life , ’ he growls when a red declines to go into a pocket for the simple reason that he has hit it at the wrong angle .
13 By the third week , if a pupil from one school felt that a pupil from the other school was taking up too much space , or holding the microphone at the wrong angle , or not performing a task quickly enough , they would be told .
14 the result of superimposing half-tone screens at the wrong angle thereby giving a chequered effect on the printed half-tone .
15 After my canvas was half painted , however , I realised that the canvas was at the wrong angle .
16 This is linked to long and short-sightedness , in that it 's the result of a malformation of the eye — in this case , an uneven curving of the cornea ( the covering over the front of the eye ) which means light enters the eye at the wrong angle .
17 Not only that , but it is placed at the wrong angle .
18 But even then it 's at the wrong angle , you , you must n't , you should n't put your hand right inside .
19 see you look at the wrong type of thing , that 's the type of thing you look at
20 on finding yourself at the wrong lane at a junction should you A stay in it and miss your road , B and wait until you can change or C signal and move over quickly ?
21 For either student , going at the wrong pace can well mean not learning as much as the average , or not learning at all , and this is true for the highly intelligent student as well as the one with learning difficulties .
22 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
23 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
24 The man forgot one issue , the European Monetary Union , it was Mr Major that took us into the Economic Monetary Union at the wrong way , he took us in on a political decision on the last day of a Labour Party Conference in Blackpool and he 's forgotten that .
25 In dosing as a prophylactic measure , the pondkeeper runs the risk of using the wrong remedy , at the wrong dosage , and interfering with the filter bacteria ( which , in spring at least , require a boost , not a setback ) .
26 We 're look at the wrong music
27 If you 're looking for ground-breaking mayhem , you got off at the wrong Greyhound stop .
28 Well see you 're at the wrong colour .
29 When we got in touch with the Colonel a surprisingly easy task , the military communications network superbly efficient — it turned out we had been landed at the wrong port .
30 At the Wrong Door
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