Example sentences of "at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 In today 's Nature , Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Jon Didymus from Bath University , working with Dr Young and colleagues at the Natural History Museum , have found that in spite of their varied appearance , the chalk crystals of which they are built are organised in the same way at the atomic level .
2 Otherwise we , who after all live in the everyday world and not at the atomic level , would be unaware of the observation .
3 Flaws in crystals at the atomic level are far smaller than the pits etched in a laser disc 's surface , so crystals can potentially pack more information into a given area .
4 The spectra of atoms , for instance , with their series of lines , provided the pioneers of quantum mechanics with incontrovertible evidence of the quantum nature of matter at the atomic level .
5 Lorne Boswell , Scottish secretary of the actors ' union , Equity , said there was alarm at the low levels of grant for theatre companies .
6 On surfacing , the rate again speeds up , generally remaining at the higher level until the carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air has returned to normal — usually in a few seconds .
7 But in this period his salary , although not extravagant , was generous enough : the priest at Longdendale was allocated less than half the Master 's £10 , which stood at the higher level of salaries , ranging from £4 6 0d to £12 6 0d , at this time for such a position .
8 An alternative is to choose a ’ sensitive region ’ at the higher level , and then only explore low level moves there .
9 Also , although the simpler level of search has no metric and involves random jumps , there is a notion of proximity at the higher level : Two states are close if the proportion of RAM chip cells with different entries is small .
10 In this sense , the search at the higher level only takes small steps .
11 Functions and combinations of functions , at the higher level .
12 In that case the court has a discretion ( in order to avoid injustice ) to award damages at the higher level of £750 ( i.e. by reference to the market price at July 15 instead of the later contract delivery date of December 1 ) , Johnson v. Agnew ( 1979 H.L. ) .
13 From where she stood on the gravelled forecourt , she saw that the flight of steps ahead led up to the living accommodation at the higher level , no doubt to exploit the panoramic view , while below , built into the slope , were the garages and stores .
14 The tighter the constraint provided by the context , the greater the excitations and feedback at the higher level .
15 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
16 It was used in a similar way by the newly literate or semi-literate Bolsheviks at the higher levels of the Smolensk and Kursk guberniia party organizations , as can be seen from even a cursory reading of their minutes .
17 At the higher levels of education scientists , economists and others who may play a future role in policy making , research and administration must be helped to understand the problems of disadvantaged areas in relation to society and the economy as a whole .
18 I am prepared to argue that doing business involves , even at the lower levels in an organization but especially at the higher levels of management , semantic problem-solving ; for example , agreeing on boundaries , identifying individuals , establishing and maintaining classifications , conjecturing ways of doing things that belong in no existing formal schema .
19 At the higher levels , humans in the prime of life can hear noises up to about 20,000 cycles per second .
20 Both came to lead theoretically revolutionary parties , which they staffed at the higher levels with relatives or friends from their home region .
21 At the higher levels of government , candidates are usually selected by the top leaders themselves , another element of ‘ top down ’ power , making the actual election process little more than a ‘ rubber stamping ’ exercise .
22 At the higher levels , the syllabus is necessarily more complex and in Directions , the fourth book in the series , the standard unit format is the double page spread .
23 These are picture-based at the earlier levels , and text-based at the higher levels .
24 The police force in Korea was controlled by Japanese at the higher levels but included appreciable numbers of Koreans : in 1930 Korean police officers represented approximately 40 per cent of the total force of 18,811 .
25 The proportion of women in higher education has risen sharply in recent decades — one of the most visible gains in the egalitarian struggle — although in practice young female school-leavers are still less qualified than their male counterparts ( and this signifies , in this country , a truly parlous state of readiness for adult occupations ) ; while in the teaching profession itself , women have yet to achieve anything like parity at the higher levels , as college heads , directors of departments and university professors .
26 However , at the higher levels of attainment , boys are still achieving proportionally far better results than girls and are participating more .
27 I do not know whether the pattern which we see in this country — of significant differences between girls and boys appearing only at the higher levels of achievement — would also apply to the SIMS data .
28 When the target is a letter , it activates one unit at the letter-detector level but none at the word-detector level ( all word detectors will be inhibited ) .
29 But the irony is that a human being , with all his potential capacity for understanding , is actually so cut off from his fellow humans that a plant sometimes has better perceptions at the subtle level than he has !
30 Together with the vibrational communication at the subtle level , all these are going on continuously before our eyes , if we had the understanding to perceive it .
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