Example sentences of "do [adv] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm gon na lose my voice , I think I wan na be ill actually so I can go home and do n't , do n't come back .
2 Filmer did eventually come down , but with Daffodil .
3 Mr Templeton of the STA bluntly stated that " either the men or the women must cease to exist as comps " , 76 while Mrs Pankhurst , speaking in North Berwick , remarked that " the women were between the devil and the deep sea " .77 But that unity did eventually come about .
4 But his mother did not come through so well .
5 Batts did not come on .
6 Two honest critics can be given as exceptions , the first a Japanese who recorded a negative reaction to a picture which did not come up to his standards of meaningful symbolism .
7 I sensed that they approved of him whole-heartedly , and that by comparison I was no longer the blue-eyed boy of the family : I did not come up to scratch .
8 He had no track record himself in combat and the men he was to lead in battle were a pretty tough crowd , all of them individualists and likely to be highly critical of any officer who did not come up to their own standards .
9 But the profits in which he shared during 1840–44 did not come up to expectations , and after the disappointment of the low profits on A Christmas Carol , published on commission , he broke temporarily with Chapman & Hall , and turned to their printers , Bradbury & Evans , as his new publishers .
10 The first 15 overs yielded only 30 and the 100 did not come up until the 35th over .
11 The difficult search for a replacement for Bean after his retirement did not come up with a suitable candidate ( see The Art Newspaper No.17 , April 1992 , p.5 ) .
12 She learnt that these plates did not come up to the manufacturer 's high standards and would go back into the melting pot .
13 The EEC declared that the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act ( which incorporated the 1970 Equal Pay Act ) did not come up to its standards , and that the British government had to make it stronger .
14 He did not come up again .
15 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
16 There were , however , some cases in which the model did not come up with a valid parse , that is , a pattern that represents complete coverage of the input by a set of nonoverlapping words .
17 Darlington has 131 of the crime combatting schemes and some volunteers feared they could fold if the council did not come up with its share of the funding Durham County Council provides the other half .
18 ‘ The players need to feel confident and secure in their positions and we are counting on those players who did not come up to expectation against Scotland , to make up for it against Ireland . ’
19 Declarations did not come in until 1889 , so that Stoddart 's innings was three years before , and that of Collins 10 years after .
20 Although tankers did not come in for the attention they received in the 1980s , on 25 January Platt 's carried an account of an attack on an Iraqi tanker by US aircraft .
21 He talked of becoming party leader ‘ for life ’ , and when it did not come off , he sacked the Prime Minister , Mr Ion Gheorghe Maurer , after 14 years in the job .
22 A pity , say analysts , that it did not come off : America 's biggest-ever bank merger could have led to a barrelful of such deals — and not before time .
23 Mike [ Foot ] said wryly that if , as Harold Lever said , we had only a 50 per cent chance of avoiding catastrophe , we had better work out a contingency plan in case that chance did not come off .
24 Holden was missing for 18 minutes and Reid admitted : ‘ We took a calculated gamble by not replacing Rick — and it did not come off . ’
25 His gamble on the ability of industry to produce improved living conditions before the peasantry and proletariat found the burden intolerable , did not come off .
26 She is a fine singer in her usual idioms , but her inclusion here was a bold experiment which did not come off .
27 At the 1890 Convention of Local Phonograph Companies in Chicago , delegates asked for a longer cylinder with a section specifically set aside for an announcement , but this did not come about .
28 In the event the anticipated collapse of the first genetic engineering company amid a pile of bad debts did not come about .
29 So it is that when Mr Major explains that he has , by devaluing the pound , given British industry an exceptional chance to improve its exports , he insists that ‘ this did not come about as a deliberate act of policy ’ .
30 The mass popularity of the movies did not come about because showmen gave no thought to individuating their audiences but rather resulted from an appreciation that the most important thing about the public as a whole was that every section and every group would respond to the appeal of the movies if it could be given access to the right kind of cinema .
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