Example sentences of "do [adv] put [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That has yet to be tested in public , but the evening certainly did not put her off — — she has been an ardent fan of the Welsh National Opera ever since .
2 They entered for all parts of the competition , and their designs for the Foreign Office and the War Department were both placed seventh on the assessors ' lists , but Burn did not put them so highly , and in the end both designs were rejected by the judges , and their block plan , which had not even been seen by the assessors and presumably never tested against the conditions , was awarded third prize .
3 She did not put her other hand down to feel her body .
4 Tom Curran , deputy director of Wirral social services department , said : ‘ If , in the first place , we had said to people they did not meet the criteria and did not put their names on the waiting list , we would be in less trouble . ’
5 The 1954 scheme did not put anything in place of the development charge ; the collection of betterment was now left to the blunt instruments of general taxation .
6 you do not mind my taking this method of answering your letter and I hope that you , I did not put you to too much trouble to locate a recorder to listen to the tape , I am just too lazy to write it all down and think that what I have to say I can put it better in words than what I can on paper , I 'll let you do that part .
7 ( The education of Dustin towards some understanding of feminism , even though mainly in theory rather than in practice , was only to come after his divorce , the making of Kramer vs Kramer and Tootsie , and marriage to a woman who did not put his ideas to the test . )
8 The president did not put his own job on the line .
9 After the first-race fall of Sibton Abbey , his trainer Ferdy Murphy did not put it quite so politely .
10 But it was for a reason that would cut no ice with Jean-Claude and so I did not put it to him .
11 He brought our conversation to an end by alluding once more to the past ; and in comparing the difference between his present achievements and the tribulations that had led up to it ( though he did not put it quite like that ) , he appeared to coin on the Spot an Epigram which , so far as I know , he never committed to print but of which there are echoes in The Family Reunion .
12 Andrew Orkney did not put it quite like that .
13 Sir Hector Monro , Scottish Agriculture Minister , did not put it quite like that at a weekend meeting with Scotland 's agricultural editors .
14 The point , though Hurd did not put it this way , is that Labour 's amendment 27 , seeking to scupper Major 's triumph in excluding Britain from the social chapter , was a complete red herring .
15 Just remember next year , you do not put me in for
16 Privately , senior party members claim women do not put themselves forward , are not up to the job and stress that most male MPs have been in place for a long time .
17 Do not subject the person to any sudden extreme changes of temperature — so do not put them next to a fire or give them hot water bottles or heavy layers of clothes or blankets .
18 So if you start using scare quotes , it may be the words you do not put them round which become the problem .
19 Do not put your head tentatively round the door as if to check whether or not you are really wanted .
20 However in order to avoid creating unsightly surroundings , obstructing the highway , and to reduce scavenging by animals please DO NOT put your refuse at the kerbside earlier than the evening before collection day .
21 ‘ Well , assuming he did n't put himself there , which is unlikely since we know what you found at the flat , someone must have carried him there , ’ Tracey replied .
22 But he did n't put her down .
23 Shame he did n't put one more of his many chances away .
24 And I did n't put one
25 Understandably , non-selection for the World Cup was a huge disappointment for Walsh , but his response was phlegmatic : ‘ I did n't put myself under any pressure , because there 's no point .
26 ‘ You did n't put me off exactly .
27 Two failed marriages did n't put me off .
28 The language is a bit spicy but it did n't put me off in the slightest . ’
29 It did n't put me off then , and it does n't now .
30 I remember on one occasion the four of us went down to Glastonbury Fair where he sang , but due to a balls-up over the sound and the electricity , they did n't put him on until the next day and that was at about 5.00 in the morning when the sun came through .
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