Example sentences of "they across the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This water originates at the Antarctic Divergence , a narrow zone close to the continent where diverging westerly and easterly winds pull subsurface waters upward and spread them across the ocean surface .
2 ‘ Yoo-hoo ! ’ yelled Jack in Wild Western imitation , but his voice tailed away as Inspector Burden of Kingsmarkham CID emerged from Queen Street and approached them across the forecourt of the Olive and Dove .
3 ‘ The owner of the castle would put his family into a boat and row them across the lake to church every Sunday .
4 She saw him crumple them up in a sudden burst of impatience , and fling them across the parade .
5 With UN approval MacArthur pursued them across the parallel and on towards the Yalu River which marked the border with Communist China .
6 They took them outside , and the dogs pulled them across the ice .
7 We got the dog and give him a couple of rope ends in his mouth and he take them across the ice .
8 Jake ferried them across the ford on his cart with horse and master enjoying a paddle .
9 ‘ Let's go into the garden , ’ he said tersely , and a few moments later they were gliding along the path that wound down to the river 's edge , their way lit by a bright moon that stretched a blue path towards them across the water .
10 Then he tears his things out again , spilling them across the bed : the Tibetan Book of the Dead , some yellow boxer shorts he used to think were trendy , his red socks , the Lonely Planet Guide to Tibet , his toothbrush , three hand puppets , a prayer wheel .
11 She dragged her eyes up and watched as , unhurriedly , he stripped off his heavy gloves and laid them across the bike before lifting his helmet off and balancing it in front of him .
12 The travellers ' flight took them across the desert .
13 The Tree Spirits were clinging to the black iron pipes that ran along the sides of the floor , using them as levers and pulleys to help them across the floor .
14 Perhaps they could be down doing up somebody 's laces and that person whacks them across the top of their head .
15 They then either flush the rabbits by tapping two sticks together or by dragging a long line between them across the field or fields towards the net .
16 He led them across the hall and through the dining-room , down a corridor and into what he explained was a private dining-room where members could entertain groups of friends or associates .
17 Those who were waking said afterwards that it did not move towards them across the sky from any direction , but burst suddenly , directly above them , in a great whirlwind and a peal of thunder .
18 He reached into his desk drawer and drew out the copies of the contract , a trifle battered by yesterday 's violence , and tossed them across the desk towards her .
19 He dug a wad of papers from another drawer and passe them across the desk to Cornelius .
20 ‘ An hour a day , ’ Nicholson said , leading them across the yard .
21 But bands of armed rebels from sundry factions still extort food from villages , some of them across the border in neighbouring Sierra Leone .
22 Or he could wash cars , polish shoes or more lucratively , engage in the growing underground economy selling rare commodities at home or smuggling them across the border to nearby Zaire .
23 Jenna began heatedly , but he glanced away as his mother came towards them across the lawn .
24 Melinda pleaded a headache and went inside , and I took them across the road to the soft drinks stall to hear the report of the uncle , and then get rid of them .
25 I get them across the road but there they 're dear .
26 The policemen controlling the pedestrians beckon them across the road .
27 When pinning use needles , which are finer , and place them across the seam .
28 In the face of Cadwallon 's army , Eadwine is depicted as retreating , if not fleeing , many of his army being slain as the Britons pursued them across the salt sea , and Cadwallon advances to Caer Caradog , even setting York ablaze .
29 When some moss has stuck , each tit collects spiders ' webs and stretches them across the moss .
30 Amanda stood up again , crossed the room , took a blue bowl of chrysanths from the coffee table and carried them across the room to the dresser .
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