Example sentences of "they want [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
2 You send it round , what they want training on and it comes back to the manager
3 They want to shut up , regroup and start backing their Government . ’
4 Rather than accepting this end point , they want to push on and ask how individuals got the properties — including their desires , intentions and so forth that are regarded as root causes by individualists .
5 ‘ It depends whether they want to own up to it . ’
6 So she has to walk round well , Chris sold his car did n't he cos they want to save up and get a house .
7 I remember when I was out on the road , I had a particular connection with , we had a motor bike policy , and it was an appalling risk , and it came up for renewal , and er , nobody had take it round the market , and I mean , that that was an idol threat , because nobody in their right mind would want this particular motor and we said , well not if they want to jack up the premium on it , they wanted to jack it up by about thirty or forty per cent , and and the broker was not very happy about this .
8 You said that in our newsletter , because our checkout manager said that she 's found life extremely difficult with all the changes of shifts , and that in her department they have lots of problems , so she 's got like a pro forma checkout news , and she asks them for things that go into this , that they , you know , that they want bringing up , and specific things that they 're having difficulty with .
9 They want to lock up now .
10 Once they see what 's going on , they want to join in .
11 ‘ Women builders can work from our workshops and take on private commissions , if they want to set up on their own , ’ she said .
12 I know that Quins have been heavily criticised for fielding weak teams in league games , but it is an amateur sport and they are entitled to select whomsoever they want to see out there .
13 It is far more important that the owners of the company , the shareholders , be given the choice of whether they want to invest in , let us say , a bank , an agricultural business , a food business , or a retail chain , than that we should build our business in different fields , unless we can demonstrate a high degree of mutual reinforcement from such an exercise .
14 So , a tiny red dot placed specifically on a large white area becomes a work of art , but it 's also a criticism that art is viewed too reverently since people will spend time and money to trek to view , maybe worship , the little red dot on the large white area in an art gallery but will swiftly get the handbag removed from the seat cos they want to sit down !
15 They want to put up some of these little spindly poky trees .
16 Team one they want to put out more in the first division and , I could not be party to that team one and it was an atrocity to use such terminology .
17 No wonder that we cheer when we see older generations giving it just one more go , not because they expect to hear bells ringing or lights flashing , but because they want to reach out and feel that reassuring touch or see that reaffirming glance which means they have an ally in the world who uniquely cares that they thrive .
18 At the moment the Parks have to prove that a proposed development is not in keeping with the environment if they want to turn down planning applications .
19 They want to hang on to their fat subsidies and America is entirely right to say that this is unacceptable .
20 The American circuit is nowadays so tough that its players mostly have no option but to work if they want to hang on to their players ' cards .
21 They want to hang on or something .
22 Everybody has some books that they want to hang on to that .
23 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
24 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
25 They want to live in socially responsible communities communities where care and opportunity , protection from poverty and crime and pollution , access to transport , housing and education , equal treatment and opportunities for women and men are rights of citizenship and not dependent on individual wealth .
26 More people have decided that the only way to get the house they want to live in is to become more involved in its construction .
27 They want to go up to the aviary but I I ca n't get I ca n't get this buggy up there up that hill .
28 Because of the continuous pressure exerted by Irish , Black and other women over the years , some English Women 's Movement has died and that if they want must wake up to the fact that the middle-class , gentile English Women 's Movement had died and that if they want to go on referring to us as ethnic minorities then they will have to include themselves as a separate group .
29 Services should n't assume that because relatives cope silently they want to go on doing so for ever .
30 They want to go along and relax and a lot of women have said that they can relax much more easily in their own , rather than in mixed , company , ’ Prue explains .
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