Example sentences of "they stay in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there are only limited facilites for them stay in the children 's ward to be near their daughter .
2 They stay in the reception classes for a period of up to three years , after which they are usually dropped into the lowest streams of the schools to which the classes are attached …
3 But it will be hard to accept that these people are serious about democracy — or can do much more to further its cause — so long as they stay in the same party as democracy-haters .
4 But the pensioner 's death means that Andrew , his wife Janice and son Gareth , 12 , face eviction as squatters if they stay in the house at Margam , South Wales , said Port Talbot council .
5 Therapy teaches clients that feelings can be tolerated and will fade away if they stay in the feared or difficult situation .
6 Thus they stay in the garden .
7 Adam had insisted they stay in the room and she had n't found a good enough reason to change his mind .
8 The authors , writing in the British Medical Journal , believe that what happens to babies before birth , including how long they stay in the womb , may determine how healthy their lungs are later in life .
9 Perhaps if there really was ( and is ) ‘ widespread discontent … about the quality of education ’ , the best remedy would be to enhance teaching as a profession so as to attract and retain the best recruits , by paying them proper salaries and by promoting those who teach well , in such a way that they stay in the classroom instead of becoming administrators .
10 What the ovules do is they stay in the grasses and they wait for the pollens to arrive .
11 Current levels of unemployment are relatively unimportant , hopefully some time down the line they will expect to get er as a relatively well paid job erm because agricultural incomes are so very low , you know , and urban incomes are relatively , relatively high , they may be prepared to wait for you know five or six years in the urban area , making what could be sort of a subsistence wage , simply because that 's all that they 're gon na be on anyway if they stay in the rural area , so if there is a higher probability of them getting a well paid job merely by being in the urban area making these contacts then they might as well move to the , to the urban area in the hope of some time in the future obtaining that er er an urban job .
12 In response , the largest bird importer in the US , A.A. Pare , has argued that " What we 're doing is salvaging the birds … if they stay in the jungle , they 're not going to have it in the next five years …
13 If they stay in the lower divisions they 'll have to eliminate seating in seven years time .
14 ‘ When somebody is taken in , in a distressed state , there should be supervision to ensure they stay in the hospital , ’ Mr McFall said .
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