Example sentences of "they believe [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It can lead them to believe that such children are racially distinct from other blacks .
2 Seventy three per cent of them believe that inadequate resources are a key issue facing higher education , according to the survey , which was conducted by Gallup and commissioned by NATFHE , the university and college lecturers ' union .
3 The Orkney parents were left so uninformed , they believed that all their rights had been removed .
4 Laub ; they believed that six had been hit in all from an estimated fifteen .
5 They believed that mental illness was substantially underfunded in their region .
6 This trend was welcomed by articulate working class women 's groups such as the Women 's Cooperative Guild , because of poor working class housing conditions and because they believed that working class wives needed a respite from the cares of managing a household .
7 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
8 In the Far East , they believed that Chinese Communist subversion would create increasing instability and prevent any reduction of force levels East of Suez .
9 They believed that high levels of government spending were pre-empting resources that could have been used more productively in the private sector , that high taxes were stifling private enterprise , and that the abolition of the complex system of government regulations , interventions , and subsidies would unleash a new wave of private initiative and energy .
10 Their Lordships also upheld the trial judge 's refusal to allow the defendants to put any evidence before the jury about why they believed that nuclear weapons , rather than their own actions , were ‘ prejudicial to the safety … of the State ’ .
11 I have to consider is that evidence correct as far as they are concerned , in other words do they believe that this is what Mr. Winterbone was like ?
12 Above all they believe that that must be said of Christ which is to be said of no other human being .
13 ‘ I do n't see how you can expect people to follow your lead , to trust you , to commit themselves to the business unless they believe that all of these things are dear to your heart . ’
14 They believe that all is one .
15 I think they believe that all they have to do is to turn up and they 'll beat the rest of us .
16 They believe that all social groups benefit if their society runs smoothly and prospers .
17 They believe that personal ‘ gaffer-to-man ’ contact has been responsible for removing much of the industrial conflict which they regard as plaguing the remainder of British industry .
18 They believe that certain extremist Christian movements encourage workers in the social services to look everywhere for evidence of satanism .
19 They believe that each armour plate is formed from a ring of 20 to 30 single chalk crystals , with each adjacent crystal growing in alternate directions .
20 Friedman points out that in this economy , workers are suffering from money illusion : they believe that real wages are rising when in fact both money wages and prices are rising , leaving real wages unchanged .
21 They believe that international satellites that photograph the surface of the Earth mean that any sudden infestation of locusts can be nipped in the bud using modern pesticides .
22 They believe that one of the most common cancers , liver cancer , could be largely prevented by a vaccine .
23 Some philosophers deny the possibility of any fundamental conflict between justice and fairness because they believe that one of these virtues in the end derives from the other : Some say that justice has no meaning apart from fairness , that in politics , as in roulette , whatever happens through fair procedures is just .
24 They believe that such a move could provoke Labour into accepting their terms for a partnership government as its anxiety to hold office mounted .
25 This is an unacceptable to most of them as they believe that such service furthers military aims .
26 The offer is there and is open to senior police officers if they believe that such batons would be of advantage to their forces .
27 Some critics are scathing about the vogue for ‘ child-centred ’ schemes that fail ( allegedly ) to provide young people with even the rudiments of human culture ; they believe that contemporary views of childhood and childcare are unequal to the task of producing in children such socially desirable qualities as competence , co-operation , responsibility , social sensitivity and moral awareness .
28 Patricia Whitaker-Dowling , David Wilcox , Christopher Widnell and Julius Youngner at Pittsburgh University have shown that interferon can prevent viruses from getting inside animal cells , and they believe that this might be the first line of defence set up by the interferon system in response to viral attack ( Proceedings of the U.S .
29 Wholeness of body , mind and soul should be the prior concern of all Christians and they believe that this wholeness can be found through faith .
30 It is possible that although the politicians and administrators most closely involved know that the appearance of immense progressivity is a sham , they believe that this appearance will deceive others into thinking that such objectives are being achieved .
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