Example sentences of "they be [verb] themselves " in BNC.

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1 Even those who have entered a deeply religious life where it may appear that they are hiding themselves away from close contact with others have in fact formed a deep and spiritual relationship with their god .
2 They are enjoying themselves — I am being excluded/rejected/ abandoned/ignored .
3 They are enjoying themselves but that takes nothing away from me .
4 The actual sound ambience of this recording is less dry than the sort of sound that Philips is prepared to settle for in the same hall , and it is refreshing to hear Nicholas McGegan 's fine cast of soloists use the hall 's natural resonance to give the distinct impression that they are enjoying themselves and confirming , to one listener at least , that an important part of enjoying oneself is showing off .
5 Watch them doing so and you can have no doubt that they are enjoying themselves hugely , just as human children do in a playground .
6 In fact those worries are unfounded and the pond will come to no harm while they are enjoying themselves .
7 The Act gravely lets down problem drinkers who have serious , alcohol-related ill health and decide to continue to drink despite their awareness of the harm they are causing themselves .
8 Many solicitors , in writing a letter for a client , will misrepresent the law , even though they are addressing themselves to a layman , and will lend themselves to various abuses and suppressions ( not involving a breach of law ) in order to obstruct a just claim .
9 This suggests that even when writers explicitly indicate that they are correcting themselves , as for example in [ 34 ] , the original formulation contributes to the overall relevance of the text .
10 A child screaming is expressing itself , or like those artists who daub things in the West — they say they are expressing themselves . ’
11 They are reconciling themselves to their own mortality .
12 Clients should be made aware that breathlessness , pounding heart , dizziness , tightness or pain in the chest , nausea and loss of muscle control are signs that they are overtaxing themselves .
13 " The [ communist ] movement is starting to fade away , they are alienating themselves from the people , " Buscayno told an interviewer .
14 They have had two bad years , and now they are recouping themselves " .
15 Post-war criticism was ‘ gladiatorial ’ , as John Wain remarked years later , in 1972 , when the excitement had died down ; and attractive to the young for just that reason , since the young feed on moral drama : ‘ they need to feel that they are proving themselves by bravely attacking something powerful . ’
16 They know they are drinking themselves to death and in such an instance the social worker has no legal powers to intervene .
17 Increasingly they are grouping themselves into multiple retail chains , as can be seen from Table 11.10 .
18 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
19 Some people give the impression that they are driving themselves ( and sometimes those around them ) in a kind of non-stop desperation !
20 Normally , financial troubles and scandals around money visit players late in their lives , when their playing days are over and they are rehabilitating themselves back into the real world .
21 They have slightly relaxed their demands for absolute obedience to the rules and do not think they are demeaning themselves by giving reasons for their ‘ do 's ’ and ‘ don'ts ’ .
22 As soon as a character is within reach , or if they are attacked themselves , the Daemonettes attack and the illusion of their appearance is immediately dispelled .
23 If they are to throw themselves fully into battle by land and sea , they can not wait for ever .
24 We need to trust our children , if ever they are to trust themselves . ’
25 People like those keen gardeners who talk to their flowers and love them , may not be helping the flowers but they are doing themselves much good , for love benefits the lover more than the loved .
26 Girls can be encouraged to take modules in technology without feeling they are committing themselves to two years ' or more work ; low achieving pupils can take a range of modules without suffering the indignity of following a programme that marks them out as ‘ different ’ .
27 Through these discriminations of time , space and substances , they are to make themselves a holy people , set apart from the unholy people and things .
28 They may think that they are realistically aware of what they are letting themselves in for and what they need to know about each other 's strengths and weaknesses .
29 This poses no problem with experienced investors who understand what they are letting themselves in for .
30 It is important that people are aware what they are letting themselves in for .
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