Example sentences of "they [vb past] receive [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just as a matter of interest I was gon na bring up onto the er planning minutes for the tenth of January but as I was n't allowed er The I had a phone call from the electricity board following the erm erm discussions that we had about the power supply on Road , they 'd received a follow up enquiry from the press , if you recall we expressed concern that we thought that secured following the harsh winter three years ago .
2 Carrington and Benson had joined the Wingco in the control room when they 'd received the radar tip-off , and heard him cursing under his breath .
3 They further said that they had received no formal complaint from Ahmed Ashraf .
4 As of early February , society officials say they had received no response to their request from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs .
5 According to the survey , one-third of home helps said they had received no training at all .
6 Azerbaijani officials claimed that the attacks on the border were the consequence of frustration of local residents that they had received no response to demands presented during the previous month for freer access to their fellow Azerbaijanis in northern Iran ( numbering up to 14,000,000 — twice the number of Soviet Azerbaijanis ) , and to rich agricultural land given over to border defences .
7 Chester police said they had received no report of the incident .
8 Darlington police said they had received no complaints about the missing company .
9 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
10 The West Yorkshire Low Pay Unit found recently that , while part-time work was increasing in their area , women were actually being paid a lower percentage of local full-time wages than they had received a decade ago .
11 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
12 The RJO also confirmed that they had received a video tape from Israel of an interview carried out recently with Shaikh Abdel-Karim Obeid .
13 The presence or severity of the lesions contributing to the anaemia was difficult to interpret at endoscopy in 43 of the patients as they had received a course of H 2 antagonists ( n=18 ) or had reduced or stopped aspirin or NSAIDs ( n=32 ) , or both , before the first hospital attendence .
14 Was not their incontestable success the sign that they had received the mandate of heaven ? ’
15 They were told by Jesus not to speculate about the time when God would bring in the kingdom in all its fullness , but , once they had received the Holy Spirit , they were to witness to Jesus in Jerusalem , Judaea , Samaria , and throughout the world ( Acts 1:8 ) .
16 They had received the reports in the Place of Healing , where the body lay in the courtyard , protected from the flies and the heat by wet wrappings , waiting for someone to claim it and give permission for an examination to begin , before it was taken to the embalmers .
17 At Tiverton in 1809 they had claimed they had received the same rate for 300 years !
18 But if they did n't speak with tongues how did Simon know that they had received the Holy Spirit ?
19 Despite a reference to the full accounts and their availability it did not , however , explicitly indicate that they had received an unqualified audit report .
20 Klaus Kabelitz , duty manager at the Inn on the Park , said : ‘ Police came in and said they had received an alert with a bona fide code .
21 On appeals against the assessments , the taxpayers having conceded that they had received an emolument as a result of participating in the concessionary fees scheme but maintaining that the cash equivalent of the benefit had to be determined under the principle of marginal costing , the special commissioner found that the school incurred no additional expenditure in educating the taxpayers ' sons other than on certain items of equipment and on food that together cost less than the concessionary fees paid and allowed the appeals .
22 People would believe that it was unnecessary to dispute the matter and that they had received an additional benefit for the injury that had been forced upon them .
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