Example sentences of "they [vb base] at present " in BNC.

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1 This is how they operate at present .
2 The following paragraphs and the schedule attached to this letter summarize your main conditions of service as they apply at present .
3 It is certain that the seas of 600 to 1000 million years ago swarmed with drifting medusae , just as they do at present .
4 Case conferences should , as a matter of routine practice , make a much clearer distinction between more and less ‘ objective ’ evidence than they do at present .
5 By 1995 , it reckons , founders will no longer have to fork out the $4.5m they do at present to keep the organisation going .
6 Many developing nations , with limited resources available with which to adjust or adapt to changes in climate , will have to rely on international assistance even more than they do at present .
7 If a new bus station is built next to Waverley Station to replace St Andrews Sq ( which seems a good idea ) , coaches could then use South Bridge as the main route out to the south ( as they do at present — but it 's very congested ) .
8 And this takes time , it takes time to change national habits , but I think it would be very serious for this country if erm in fact those people who want an advanced English language education in the Third World erm turned much more to the United States and , and , and Canada , which seems to be the erm trend , than they do at present .
9 The existence of a firm strategy for continuing education may , in theory , preclude the need for re-entry programmes as they exist at present , and it is the job of the members of each National Board to align continuing education needs with the UKCC 's own policies regarding the maintenance and improvement of professional standards as laid down in current legislation .
10 What they want in future is 32 seeds in all the Grand Slam tournaments instead of the 16 they have at present .
11 The plans which they have at present are , without doubt , exceedingly handsome ; but , to speak plainly , they seem to me infinitely more adapted for palaces than public offices .
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