Example sentences of "they [modal v] make [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To further subdivide them may make record-keeping impossibly complicated .
2 Users of software should confirm that they may make back-up copies of any programs they have acquired .
3 They may make use of the brevity of Latin tags , just as pithy as any adman 's lingo .
4 Instead , as soon as they have found out something of what a word means , they may make use of it .
5 There are other factors that recommend elimination , not least being the fact that everyone else is moving in the same direction ; so if British car makers want to sell their vehicles abroad , as surely they must , they must make car engines that run without lead .
6 If MPs want an easy life , they should make way for people who are willing to work hard for their country .
7 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
8 Floy had spent several hours in deep discussion with Snodgrass and , between them , they had made an attempt to sketch out the layout of Tara , so that they could see if there were any weak areas they might make use of .
9 They thought they could make fun of a country girl , but my answer took them by surprise .
10 And the recently discovered structure of atoms gave them the idea that they could make helium out of hydrogen .
11 Their own earnings were fabulous and they could make money for their followers as well .
12 John — fit and well — said : ‘ The clinic 's doctors just tried to fool me I was dying so they could make money . ’
13 Companies responsible for its prospects have gone out of business seven times , discovering that while they could make money on the big promotions , the building and park were too expensive to run on a tickover basis ( nowadays the park alone costs £650,000 a year to maintain ) , and in an earlier era of six-day working weeks , the public had not much leisure time to spend there anyway .
14 Predictably , they took the parts from which they could make money .
15 She longed to wake him so that they could make love again but did not dare to because , for all the intimacy of the previous hours , Constance knew that she was lying next to a virtual stranger .
16 If they were married , they could make love as often as they pleased .
17 They could make love .
18 They could make love here and nobody would ever know .
19 There is clearly force in this ‘ equal treatment ’ argument , which was later deployed in defence of the Schlunk decision by the United States delegation at a Special Commission of the Hague Conference held in April 1989 ; but as between the United Sates and the German Federal Republic it is German plaintiffs who emerge at a disadvantage , for German law has no doctrine similar to that of involuntary agency of which they could make use .
20 I 'm sure they could make room for another . ’
21 The gods had drawn them together , and together for 10 years or so they would make music , exploring the world and themselves , unharried by outside pressures , responding only to the more meaningful pressures of life and love .
22 And Lucy knew they were there to be lovers , Jay knew like her heartbeat that they would make love .
23 All that mattered was the next time he would see Kate ; beyond that he looked forward with an urgency that hurt to the first time they would make love .
24 In the afternoon they would make love , with the great windows open to the sky , and a hot , heavy summer rain falling , crushing the flowers and filling the air with the scent of roses …
25 Then Damian would start to caress her , his hands wringing that torturous response from her , and they would make love again until they sprawled together in exhaustion .
26 Though his critics maintain they were trying to be constructive and wanted him to stay , Sutton was convinced that the criticism had been organized in advance as a warning that if he did not go , as Pilger was demanding , they would make life hell for him .
27 In his opinion , they would make peace on almost any terms , they were shot through with cowardice , they lived in a perpetual funk .
28 Knowing that they would make fun of him , he had been very careful not to say her new name in front of Tom Fish .
29 Yeah , but I mean they will make progress , I mean this colony
30 For some people , as for Morland Beddoes , they will make life more endurable .
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