Example sentences of "they [verb] reached a " in BNC.

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1 When Adam stopped , she saw they 'd reached a lane running between the backs of houses .
2 They 'd reached a dramatic opening , and through it she could see the moon-silvered sea hundreds of feet below , moving in a slow , deep swell towards the foot of the cliffs .
3 Once again they 'd reached an impasse , but in truth it really did n't matter .
4 They had reached a neighbourhood of huge trees and old houses .
5 Mr Martin stood and asked if they had reached a verdict .
6 He worried persistently about the poverty of his social life and bitterly complained : By June 1949 they had reached a further stage in their relationship .
7 They had reached a junction .
8 In the result the justices on the second day of the hearing , the evidence having been taken the day before and the justices having indicated that they had reached a decision but would give their reasons the next day , made not an interim care order but two prohibited steps orders .
9 They had reached a stretch of mountain where the ground was comparatively parallel with the sky .
10 He remained silent until they had reached a flight of three stone steps between one lawn and a higher one , where Stephen was waiting .
11 They had reached a short flight of stone steps leading down to an open door , and she had no idea of how they had arrived there .
12 I had the impression that they had reached a moment of reflection in some important exchange .
13 They had reached a flame-red Alfa Romeo convertible , parked in the leafy shade of a fig tree .
14 Celia wondered whether they had reached an impasse , whether Dr Shalcross was secretly horrified at her although , she reflected , psychotherapists were never horrified , were they ?
15 The Gaullist Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the centrist Union for French Democracy ( UDF ) announced on April 10 that they had reached an electoral accord providing for a system of " primaries " for the presidential elections scheduled for 1995 and for " common candidates " in regional and legislative elections scheduled for 1992 and 1993 respectively .
16 San Diego-based Brooktree Corp and TRW Inc 's LSI Products Inc say they have reached a settlement of the patent infringement lawsuit filed by Brooktree in 1991 , and that terms of the agreement are favourable to both parties ; the settlement marks the end of all Brooktree 's current patent litigation .
17 The power of decision being committed by the statute exclusively to the housing authority , their exercise of the power can only be challenged before the courts on the strictly limited grounds ( i ) that their decision was vitiated by bias or procedural unfairness ; ( ii ) that they have reached a conclusion of fact which can be impugned on the principles set out in the speech of Lord Radcliffe in Edwards v. Bairstow [ 1956 ] A.C. 14 ; or ( iii ) that , in as far as they have exercised a discretion ( as they may require to do in considering questions of reasonableness under section 17(1) ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) ) , the exercise can be impugned on the principles set out in the judgment of Lord Greene M.R. in Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 K.B .
18 Most perennials grow periodically , stopping before the end of the growing season when they have reached a particular stage , for example the production of winter buds .
19 Candidates have to satisfy the examiners that they have reached a sufficiently high standard in all assessable essays before being permitted to continue to the dissertation .
20 I wonder given Selby 's recent experience with their local plan , whether they can enlighten us as to how they have reached a view that the structure plan provision in right in environmental terms for their district .
21 They have reached a point in their drama when they need factual information , they want to get it right .
22 However , if the parties have agreed the essential terms — price , quantity , date for performance — a court may find that they have reached a concluded contract on the telephone ( but see Levison v Patent Steam Carpet Cleaning Co Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 69 ) unless it can be established that the parties contemplated further formalities before concluding their contract .
23 Five years on , they have reached an uneasy compromise of separate stages , each with its own cast of characters .
24 Although they have reached an impasse , lasting either a year or 22 years , according to one 's point of view , they must keep trying .
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