Example sentences of "they [verb] received a " in BNC.

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1 Just as a matter of interest I was gon na bring up onto the er planning minutes for the tenth of January but as I was n't allowed er The I had a phone call from the electricity board following the erm erm discussions that we had about the power supply on Road , they 'd received a follow up enquiry from the press , if you recall we expressed concern that we thought that secured following the harsh winter three years ago .
2 We are not allowed to know just yet , for the London Underground rule book tells drivers to wait for 30 minutes before making an announcement , unless they 've received a message to the contrary from their controllers or there is some ‘ immediate threat to safety . ’
3 They 've received a lot of publicity erm and a lot of angst erm and they 're quite complicated , so I 'll go through them carefully .
4 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
5 The West Yorkshire Low Pay Unit found recently that , while part-time work was increasing in their area , women were actually being paid a lower percentage of local full-time wages than they had received a decade ago .
6 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
7 The RJO also confirmed that they had received a video tape from Israel of an interview carried out recently with Shaikh Abdel-Karim Obeid .
8 The presence or severity of the lesions contributing to the anaemia was difficult to interpret at endoscopy in 43 of the patients as they had received a course of H 2 antagonists ( n=18 ) or had reduced or stopped aspirin or NSAIDs ( n=32 ) , or both , before the first hospital attendence .
9 Despite a reference to the full accounts and their availability it did not , however , explicitly indicate that they had received an unqualified audit report .
10 Klaus Kabelitz , duty manager at the Inn on the Park , said : ‘ Police came in and said they had received an alert with a bona fide code .
11 On appeals against the assessments , the taxpayers having conceded that they had received an emolument as a result of participating in the concessionary fees scheme but maintaining that the cash equivalent of the benefit had to be determined under the principle of marginal costing , the special commissioner found that the school incurred no additional expenditure in educating the taxpayers ' sons other than on certain items of equipment and on food that together cost less than the concessionary fees paid and allowed the appeals .
12 People would believe that it was unnecessary to dispute the matter and that they had received an additional benefit for the injury that had been forced upon them .
13 They have received a broad measure of support .
14 Norwich City yesterday confirmed that they have received an enquiry from the FA of Ireland about the availability of the club 's central defender Andy Linighan .
15 But Leeds have problems at centre-half , too , and Wimbledon confirmed they have received an inquiry for Scales .
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