Example sentences of "they [verb] sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and you went up there and there 's them building sort of on the top is n't there
2 No le let them have sort of like a half an hour talk before you announce the quiz straight after that let all their stomachs go down and then sort of get
3 They seemed sort of keen and enthusiastic today .
4 But they , they sailed sort of first thing in the morning and did n't come back till last thing at
5 So what they did eventually , they put sort of call boxes occasionally , in different parts of the borough so during the night you could ring up the station .
6 Yeah well even if they came sort of late afternoon , turn up about fiveish and had a a bit of tea and then spent the evening with you that wo n't be too bad would it ?
7 they came sort of without !
8 Anyway er I went out and I shut the gates and just let them know that you know , they 'd sort of I wa I was checking
9 Mind you , I think the last few years they they 'd sort of erm relaxed a bit more
10 and erm they 'd sort of asked and said , you know , it 's possible .
11 I reckon that 's it , cos they look sort of familiar .
12 They look real funny : they look sort of bad tempered and cross .
13 They look sort of cosy in all their feathers .
14 " It 's only — well , I thought I 'd ask you — how she looked when — I mean they say some people who die like that , they look sort of , their faces … "
15 Did , did the erm the , the central society themselves , did they , did they run sort of adu adult education type courses there in
16 But they like sort of push you to have one do n't they .
17 They like sort of hotel tea . ’
18 They like analyzing and they like sort of practising or getting involved with complex things sort of complex piece of work very , they 're really happy in the training session to get involved whereas some people if you put something very hard , they 'll actually back away from it wo n't they cos they think well this is new , I do n't really understand this , whereas theorists will ac they actually enjoy they enjoy the stretch they enjoy the challenge .
19 They hear sort of rhyming slang and things like this and they think my god what 's he on about .
20 they may get they get sort of get a bad name and perhaps not
21 I keep saying when they get sort of quite long that I 'll have them properly shaped and
22 I mean with this exhibition that we 've booked ‘ Just the Job ’ , which is black women erm and the kind of jobs that they 've got , a large percentage are carers and erm and it is the thing that erm women feel that they can do and it erm in a way that it comes out of their role in the home , the caring role , and erm and it 's a role that they get sort of erm trapped into and it does n't pay very much money , as Brenda was saying earlier .
23 They use sort of blank
24 But er they , they did sort of th it was fairly distributed there 's no , eggs you 'd get perhaps one egg a week on each ration book .
25 Originally you were n't really looking at it , five of you all fell into the same trap , you know , they , they get half way through , and they did have something to do and they did sort of start rushing .
26 But erm you know they do sort of keep a close eye on what they 're working unless of course they they are hoping to erm for their health to improve and to be able to return to full time teaching ultimately .
27 but they do sort of come in and give you some idea do n't they ?
28 However , they 're not too obtrusive , they do sort of when you 're looking at her shoulder here and her hand was n't there I could well imagine that you 'd get a bright highlight off her shoulder , so maybe putting hands there it has helped in er , er to , to eliminate that .
29 And er Mark 's sister and her partner , they are professional musicians and they do sort of Irish er Irish music .
30 No definition is spot on really , you can always find difficulties with it but they do sort of discuss it in the first paragraph .
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