Example sentences of "do n't mind tell " in BNC.

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1 After a time I said , ‘ You do n't think that if he had an outside person looking after him , who he did n't mind telling him what to do because it was their job … ‘
2 He did n't mind telling her in no uncertain terms to keep her distance from him , not that she had any inclination to do anything else , but obviously felt no compulsion to obey those rules when applied to himself .
3 And I do n't mind telling you I was a little uneasy . ’
4 He 'd got me scared to death , Marie , I do n't mind telling you .
5 I do n't mind telling you , I 've been almost frantic with worry this last half-hour .
6 ‘ But since I feel so good I do n't mind telling you .
7 Aranyos had evaded the question once , but after some hesitation , now continued , ‘ I do n't mind telling you .
8 ‘ I do n't mind telling you , though I could n't tell anyone else .
9 Mrs A : ( a little aggrieved ) I do n't mind telling you how old I am .
10 ‘ I do n't mind telling you , Doctor , Mrs Carrow gave me the creeps sometimes when I took on looking after Miss Celia .
11 ‘ I do n't mind telling you that .
12 I do n't mind telling you , I find that a bit rum .
13 I do n't mind telling you , I am something of an expert at swimming myself , and I know some smashing spots for a jolly good sssplash up . ’
14 But I do n't mind telling young Mike here about it seeing he 'll be joining me in the business one day . ’
15 It gave me a fright , I do n't mind telling you .
16 ‘ I do n't mind telling you we nearly lost it .
17 ‘ I do n't mind telling you , ’ he admitted .
18 I do n't mind telling you , Hazel , I was scared stiff that night , but I was n't going to show it . "
19 ‘ All right , ’ Andrée said , ‘ I do n't mind telling you .
20 I do n't mind telling you you used to get some gl glasses broke .
21 It was quite an entrance , I do n't mind telling you .
22 I do n't mind telling you it was a bore —
23 I mean , it it , you know us kids , I mean this was a fortune to us , but I , I do n't mind telling you me dad had it off of us when we got home .
24 Well , Fred , I do n't mind telling you that the secret is that I 'm one of a noble family . ’
25 I wanted to get her right away from her family , they 're a disrupting factor , I do n't mind telling you .
26 ‘ I used to wonder about Dysart and that girl , Barnett , do n't mind telling you .
27 ‘ I do n't mind telling you , but keep it under your chapeau ’ — Amaranth shuddered slightly ‘ that Carole and her crowd are having a little meeting early this evening to work out their tactics .
28 ‘ I was very worried when Fenella came to live in London , I do n't mind telling you , ’ he confided , so as a totally unconcerned complete stranger , I tut-tutted sympathetically .
29 We have a one hundred per cent record on security as regards drugs , I do n't mind telling you . ’
30 I do n't mind telling you , with a twenty-four-hour turn-round and a legal obligation to carry a full complement of medical crew , which includes two doctors , there was a certain amount of unrestrained panic to get a replacement in time . ’
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