Example sentences of "do not require [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The database packages themselves , available on 5.25 or 3.5 inch disks , are simple to use and do not require staff training .
2 There was no difference in the oesophageal mucosal status between asthmatics who required and those who did not require bronchodilators .
3 This measure was important , first , because it was the first extension from the field of schooling into that of welfare of the principle that a publicly-financed benefit could be granted to those in need , free both of charge and of the disabilities associated with the Poor Law ; second , it was a step towards recognition that parents were not necessarily culpable for the undernourishment of their children and that , with public support , needy children could be well cared for at home and did not require withdrawal into public or voluntary care .
4 The Argentinian Foreign Minister said that his country did not require guarantees of sovereignty over the Falklands as long as they remained in Argentinian possession , and strikes broke out in hospitals .
5 Consequently , the air waybill did not require presentation to obtain possession of the goods .
6 Mitterrand 's personal doctor said his condition could be treated easily — probably with pills — and did not require chemotherapy .
7 And all agree that in any case it did not require skill , merely strength .
8 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
9 The whales were being killed for sport because the islanders did not require whale meat for survival , she added .
10 A single , introverted individual who was self-catering and whose job did not require contact with others would be able to live like this .
11 This did not require proof of any wrongdoing and involved the defendant undertaking , on pain of a financial penalty , either to keep the peace or to be of good behaviour , depending on how the matter was treated by the magistrates .
12 Illnesses did not require names in his scheme of things : they were merely misfortunes to be endured .
13 In Emma Hotels v. Secretary of State for the Environment [ 1980 ] 258 EG 64 ( QBD ) , it was held in identical circumstances that the operation of a non-residents ' bar was not a material change of use and did not require planning permission .
14 This patient did not require blood transfusion or any other active treatment .
15 However , this explanation does not hold for our results because most of the lean women in our population had regular cycles with biphasic basal body temperatures and did not require induction of ovulation .
16 I notice that Lautro 's rules at the time did not require Lautro to give their members , such as Norwich Union , the opportunity to make representations before serving an intervention notice .
17 During the first six months , only a very small number of patients ( 11.11% ) did not require dilatation for recurrence .
18 One month after TIPSS , patient presented with mild clinical encephalpathy , this did not require hospital admission and was controlled by protein restriction and lactulose .
19 The youngest child , a boy of 14 months , was slightly hurt , but did not require hospital treatment .
20 Similarly , though he insisted on doctrine which he considered essential to the Anglican faith , he did not require conformity on non-essentials , and also believed that there were divine mysteries on which it was idle to speculate .
21 While other network companies mooted various ideas with the ITA for absorbing LWT or making London a single franchise — ideas that were anathema — Murdoch won reluctant ITA approval to buy the General Electric Company 's 7.5 per cent of the voting shares ( and a larger block of non-voting shares , which did not require approval ) .
22 By definition , such agreements did not require approval by the legislature and ‘ In the year 1930 the United States made 25 treaties and only 9 executive agreements ; in 1971 , 214 executive agreements and only 17 treaties .
23 Among the privileged classes , white male parentage is so stressed to the exclusion of black female that ‘ you get the impression that these virile Englishmen do not require women to reproduce .
24 We do not require lectures from Germany about federalism and union and so on ; we require Germany to put its own house in order .
25 Many of these , such as decreased serum concentrations of gonadotropins and steroid sex hormones , alterations to the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone , and raised circulating concentrations of cortisol and growth hormone are best regarded as physiological adaptations to the state of starvation and do not require treatment .
26 They do not require basins , in fact they prefer mountains .
27 Much of this will involve the formulation of new policies that do not require legislation , or the determination of responses to new crises within the department .
28 Bought deals are costly in terms of capital , but do not require development of a wide range of relationships with other banks .
29 Put into the c-drawer items that do not require replies .
30 Where the Act or the rules do not require service of an application , the court may hear it ex parte ( r 7.5 ) .
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