Example sentences of "do not believe [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If she did not believe him they could go together to the man .
2 The pilot , with no diplomatic clearance number , made one up ; air-traffic control did not believe him , but he managed to weave his way towards Iran even as he argued with them .
3 Somehow the Bookman did not believe him .
4 PC Sparkes did not believe him .
5 At first we did not believe him .
6 I did not believe him — but I wanted to .
7 She did not believe him .
8 When she said she did not know ( which was true , for a long time ) they did not believe her .
9 I had not believed her then , and I did not believe her now .
10 Oliver did not believe her , but he thought that at last this might be an opportunity to escape .
11 But she did not speak in her usual natural way , and Mary did not believe her .
12 Even her own family did not believe her .
13 He did not believe her .
14 His tone was without menace , but Lisa sensed he did not believe her .
15 Still he did not believe her .
16 She did not believe me .
17 He shook his head doubtfully as if he did not believe me but did n't want to be harsh about saying so .
18 At first , of course , Richard did not believe me .
19 And when I told them that in my country there were millions just like me , they did not believe me , but just smiled .
20 My mother , quite properly , did not believe me , but as I was now clearly an adult , even if an unsatisfactory one , she could not directly accuse me of lying .
21 I told him , although it was not true , that the local carabinieri had said he would not remain locked up there for long , but I am sure he did not believe me .
22 He did not believe me .
23 But I could see from the look in his eyes that he did not believe me .
24 Then , although I did not believe them for a moment , I stored them away in my memory against a rainy day .
25 She thought often of his words , but in her heart she did not believe them .
26 He said there was never a day when he did not believe they would survive .
27 James Stephen did not believe they would ever reconcile their pursuit of profits with policies of amelioration .
28 A security official said : ‘ We did not believe we would have to put up with this type of behaviour .
29 ‘ If I did not believe I could lift Darlington I would not have taken the job .
30 Applying these principles to the facts of this case , the central allegations were that Savory Milln knew that £23m of the sub-underwriting was being arranged through Mr Ferriday , knew that he was personally responsible for £7.5m and that it did not believe he had sufficient funds to cover his obligations .
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