Example sentences of "[adj -est] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 the set also includes Debussy 's famous orchestrations of the First and Third Gymnopèdies , two short pieces ( Les Pantins dansent and Chooses vues à droite et à gauche [ sans lunettes ] , the latter his only pieces for violin and piano ) and the reasonably well-known Scorate , whose last movement can be heard either as 22 minutes of timeless , hypnotic beauty or the nearest Satie came to a musical sleeping draught .
2 Flynn was the nearest John had to a right-hand man .
3 When Shaw died in 1950 he was a very rich man — the net value of his estate was eventually assessed at around £6,250,000 in terms of today 's money ; and the closest Holroyd comes to a sustained narrative is in tracing the fate of his various bequests .
4 The optimists point out that the most substantial progress in Russian political life was the establishment of the Duma monarch ( 1906-1914 ) , the closest Russia got to a constitutional Government .
5 A friend of the late Giovanni Falcone , one of Italy 's martyrs in its fight against the Mafia , Baltasar ‘ Superjudge ’ Garzon is the closest Spain has to an anti-Mafia crusader .
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