Example sentences of "[adj -est] [noun sg] of [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With Caroline , Giles and Georgiana around , I 've never been in the slightest danger of getting the so-called high profile of my job out of perspective .
2 Neglecting of clones producing these links is the simpliest way of resolving the corresponding forks , although a more careful analysis of hybridization data for such probe pairs and clones linking them could help to reduce the level of noise .
3 The simplest way of getting the outstanding items on board as cheaply as possible is by means of technology exchange and cross-licensing agreements , and COSE was seen as forum for effecting this .
4 The simplest way of getting the outstanding items on board as cheaply as possible , is through technology exchange and cross-licensing and COSE was seen as forum for this .
5 That was until Norman Tebbit spotted what he believed was the biggest chance of holing the impenetrable protective layer around the bill .
6 Phillip Gates sees the use of surplus agricultural land to make ‘ wildlife corridors ’ as our best hope of helping the natural world adapt to the changes we have set in motion .
7 The best hope of breaking the current deadlock may lie in a threat by the European Parliament to take legal action against the Council of Ministers in the European Court of Justice .
8 Identifying the need for a transformation , however , does not tell us which one will do the best job of achieving the five goals mentioned above : so far we have guides to diagnosis but not to cure .
9 The reason why I continue to believe that Heseltine 's best chance of getting the Tory leadership lies in the aftermath of an election defeat has nothing to do with inside knowledge .
10 The conversion of the UK vote is thought to offer the best chance of reaching the required total of 54 votes .
11 While Sarazen felt ‘ the biggest heel in the world ’ , he also knew he had to give himself the best chance of winning the Open ; and that , regrettably , could not be achieved with his old caddie Dan .
12 method is their best chance of doing the best they can with what they have got .
13 The first concerns the best method of allocating the scarce foreign exchange currently available .
14 However , organisations may decide that internally-run briefing sessions may provide the best method of getting the cultural and business message across .
15 The tragic feature of deaf education , which has bedeviled it from the beginning , is the disagreement among educators about the best method of teaching the deaf and dumb .
16 Are we not being taught the lesson that parents want independence for their schools — whether or not they are in the state sector — because that is the best way of achieving the best possible education for children in Ealing , Cleveland and everywhere else ?
17 Doctors concentrated on the best way of achieving the healthy development of women 's reproductive systems and in so doing elevated women 's capacity for reproduction into a moral and social duty .
18 Mr Clarke said social services departments would ‘ use their own , voluntary or private provision , according to which they judge the best way of providing the best quality service ’ .
19 But as recently as last month junior health minister Tim Yeo said publicly that self-regulation was the best way of developing the private domiciliary sector .
20 They are required to identify the best way of helping the frail and vulnerable and in many cases that will be by using the voluntary or the independent sector .
21 He does n't defend it as the best way of getting the correct decision , he does n't defend it , or he does n't solely defend it that way he does n't defend it either on the idea that people have right to be tried by their peers for example which is the most likely defence now , but he defends jury service on the grounds of the effect it has on the jurors which is quite a novel erm .
22 In 1980 , the owner approached a local architect , John Wharton , to provide him with a design that could be easily executed by direct labour and it was immediately apparent that exploitation of the high volume of the main east-west wing of the building would be the best way of obtaining the maximum accommodation .
23 Since several gentlemen had already subscribed towards furthering Vial 's proposals , Penn , Stone and Gretton were asked to discuss with Vial the best way of amalgamating the two plans .
24 The next stage again involved research , to determine the best way of selling the rejigged brand .
25 The Department of Transport has come up with two alternative by-pass routes as the best way of relieving the heavy traffic using the A forty Green Road Roundabout junction at Headington .
26 All it takes to give this work a decent hearing is five intelligent and compatible singers , a good deal of rehearsal time , sensitive discussion about the best way of tackling the considerable demands both of the words and the huge span of music , and some recording equipment .
27 The longer , undulating trilling of the little stint was then the easiest way of telling the two species apart .
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