Example sentences of "do [not/n't] come up " in BNC.

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1 Two honest critics can be given as exceptions , the first a Japanese who recorded a negative reaction to a picture which did not come up to his standards of meaningful symbolism .
2 I sensed that they approved of him whole-heartedly , and that by comparison I was no longer the blue-eyed boy of the family : I did not come up to scratch .
3 He had no track record himself in combat and the men he was to lead in battle were a pretty tough crowd , all of them individualists and likely to be highly critical of any officer who did not come up to their own standards .
4 But the profits in which he shared during 1840–44 did not come up to expectations , and after the disappointment of the low profits on A Christmas Carol , published on commission , he broke temporarily with Chapman & Hall , and turned to their printers , Bradbury & Evans , as his new publishers .
5 The first 15 overs yielded only 30 and the 100 did not come up until the 35th over .
6 The difficult search for a replacement for Bean after his retirement did not come up with a suitable candidate ( see The Art Newspaper No.17 , April 1992 , p.5 ) .
7 She learnt that these plates did not come up to the manufacturer 's high standards and would go back into the melting pot .
8 The EEC declared that the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act ( which incorporated the 1970 Equal Pay Act ) did not come up to its standards , and that the British government had to make it stronger .
9 He did not come up again .
10 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
11 There were , however , some cases in which the model did not come up with a valid parse , that is , a pattern that represents complete coverage of the input by a set of nonoverlapping words .
12 Darlington has 131 of the crime combatting schemes and some volunteers feared they could fold if the council did not come up with its share of the funding Durham County Council provides the other half .
13 ‘ The players need to feel confident and secure in their positions and we are counting on those players who did not come up to expectation against Scotland , to make up for it against Ireland . ’
14 It affects us all and its practitioners do not come up for re-election every five years .
15 They did n't come up again — I du n no where they went .
16 The case did n't come up and by two in the afternoon , they said it would probably be tomorrow .
17 That you did n't come up specially , because I have to leave now .
18 ‘ We did n't come up to expectations … ’ his eyes suddenly brightened .
19 Said his co-boss Curbishley : ‘ I was a bit disappointed when Lennie Lawrence at Middlesbrough did n't come up with the price we 'd fixed but I 'm happy the lad is still here .
20 that 's a smashing one that did n't come up on Sunday either determination yeah .
21 And although regulations stipulate the number of toilets and washbasins in schools , over a third of the schools surveyed did n't come up to scratch because of an inadequate number of toilets .
22 ‘ Which in this case did n't come up .
23 I did n't come up with a theory immediately , though I had hunches which were difficult to put into words .
24 Then I look in the mirror and think : ‘ You 're not Miss World , kiddo ’ , and I thank God that someone did n't determine that my appearance did n't come up to scratch .
25 Well you did n't come up here to enjoy yourself now Philip .
26 We managed perfectly alright a couple of years ago when the buses did n't come up here , we could manage now . ’
27 You were looking at the time , but it did n't come up , I mean .
28 There was a mighty splash and he fell head first into the river and he did n't come up again .
29 She could n't have said nothing to our if she did I should have thought well alright our nan said I must bloody go up but she did n't come up Sunday .
30 I nearly did n't come up again neither , they was coming after me they were .
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