Example sentences of "do [not/n't] qualify for " in BNC.

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1 Kingston , whose coach Kevin Cadle watched Friday night 's semi-final , did not qualify for the tournament because they did not compete in the League last season although their form over the past three weeks suggests they will be front runners over the next seven months .
2 It was caught in the coarse fish closed season and did not qualify for record status .
3 Jaqueline had retired from her job early to care for her 69-year-old mother with senile dementia , and was outraged to find that because she had a husband she did not qualify for the invalid care allowance .
4 However , an agreement did not qualify for exemption if its beneficial effects were only indispensable within a national market .
5 As BTR had no stake in the glass industry prior to the bid , the proposed merger did not qualify for referral on the competition yardstick .
6 They said he did not qualify for the money — a desperately-needed £75 — because his absence from Britain meant he was not available for work .
7 As the eminent nursing historian Monica E. Baly points out , in the nineteenth century sense nursing did not qualify for professional status : ‘ … nurses were not independent practitioners and indeed , the insistence on obedience was anti-ethical to independence and self-sufficiency ’ .
8 It was argued that he should have been sentenced to a term of detention in a young offender institution , and that he did not qualify for a custodial sentence for that purpose under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) .
9 Women did not qualify for a ‘ family wage ’ since it was assumed ( erroneously in some cases ) that they lived at home with parents or relatives and that they did not have dependants to support financially .
10 Technically , they did not qualify for the defence of provocation , but their cases are heart-rending and should evoke a change in attitude towards the type of defence that women in those circumstances can claim .
11 For households that did not qualify for council tax discount , data on adults other than the liable person did not appear to be necessary .
12 Millions of poor people who did not qualify for income support would be ‘ hit savagely by this increase in the basic cost of living ’ .
13 In their case the statute of limitations only started to apply once an actual fault was discovered , but their PI payments did not qualify for relief because they had stopped working .
14 They had been told they did not qualify for 13 weeks ' money under benefit regulations .
15 Furthermore , many pensioners who are struggling financially , do not qualify for income support .
16 However , RAF and Gulf Trust spokesmen said the charity laws under which the trust was established allow for payment only in cases of need , and education trusts do not qualify for this .
17 There are very particular financial strains for those who are divorced or separated who do not qualify for a special pension like a widow .
18 But you may not have realised that in between these two splendid , well-run national tournaments lie a large number of middle-strength clubs who do not qualify for participation in either .
19 These 10 places will in the main come from the middle 549 clubs who by their status do not qualify for the Cup .
20 Cadbury Schweppes 's policy reimburses eligible recruits ' furniture removal charges , legal expenses and estate agent 's fees but states that : ‘ New employees do not qualify for — bridging loans , disturbance allowance , travelling expenses , hotel expenses . ’
21 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
22 Age-related widows ' pension is for younger widows , who do not qualify for full rate .
23 Individuals paying maintenance receive tax relief on the first £1,720 of payments to a divorced or separated spouse ; other maintenance payments , including any to children , do not qualify for tax relief .
24 Gifts made within three years of death do not qualify for any relief and the tax will have to be paid in full .
25 Clearly compensation for people on low incomes is to be aimed only at those on income support , even though many disabled people have extra heating costs associated with their disability , and many others on low incomes , such as pensioners , may narrowly miss out because of small savings or because they do not qualify for means-tested benefits , but still live at income support level .
26 Most do not qualify for redundancy pay , pensions , sick pay or national-insurance benefits until they have been with a firm for two years .
27 One , the non-contributory invalidity pension , is paid for those who are incapable of work and do not qualify for a contributory pension .
28 This , however , is a misleading picture because many unemployed married women do not register with the employment exchanges because they do not qualify for any benefit .
29 On the other hand , it is more than likely that those who do not qualify for unemployment benefit are disproportionately from the ranks of unskilled manual workers .
30 There are 15,000 places for married women who do not qualify for benefit in their own right .
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