Example sentences of "do [not/n't] believe a " in BNC.

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1 I did not believe a newspaper should be part of the apparatus of the state ; we are not a totalitarian society .
2 Phoebe , like her mother , did not believe a word of it , but part of her knew it was true .
3 She did not believe a word of it and despised Ellen for concocting such a sentimental and silly scene .
4 ‘ The trial lasted six days and in his summing up , the judge said that it was too difficult to determine the age of the dogs and that he did not believe a breeder would know her own stock — so basically the ‘ coincidence ’ was too strong .
5 Of course she did not believe a word Sean O'Farrell was saying .
6 He did not believe a strike would be easy — or even , necessarily , possible — to arrange .
7 Little Billy did not believe a word of this .
8 ‘ He bumbled and tugged at his ear and said he hoped I might call again at a more opportune moment , though I did not believe a word of it .
9 He had it all worked out , but Coffin did not believe a word of it .
10 ‘ Yes ? ’ prompted Dr Neil with a grin — for some reason he did not believe a word of this farrago — to hear her reply in a low voice ,
11 We have also heard some honest interventions , however , The hon. and learned Member for Perth and Kinross ( Sir N. Fairbairn ) staggered to his feet to tell us that he did not believe a word of what Ministers were saying .
12 He did not believe a word of it .
13 He did not believe a single word of her story .
14 However , I confess that I do not believe a party , any more than the society which it serves , can fail to suffer if it knowingly allows institutions to fall more and more out of correspondence with contemporary needs .
15 The letter said : ‘ We do not believe a nation can be rich or successful while some are ground down into an ‘ underclass ’ or are deprived of the means of contributing to society .
16 I do not believe a more structured approach will kill creativity ; on the contrary , given the necessary skill children 's achievements can be quite remarkable .
17 Do not believe a word of it .
18 Is the Minister aware of the deep concern felt also by those who attend non-vocational classes in the evenings and at other times who , I am sorry to say , do not believe a word that the Minister says about continuing those classes ?
19 I do not believe a professional man would … be influenced in any significant way because he knew that the interests of some other person beside his employer would be affected by the conclusion which he reached .
20 We did n't believe a word he said . ’
21 She did n't believe a word of them , of course .
22 I 'm quite sure she did n't believe a word of this , but in Oxford it is considered good manners to take an adversarial position so as to generate an interesting conversation and allow both parties to display their intelligence , knowledge and eloquence .
23 I was just going to say I did n't believe a word of it but … .
24 She did n't believe a word of it .
25 Staring at him , at the strength , the energy that always seemed to radiate from him despite his easy , relaxed air , she did n't believe a word of it .
26 I did n't believe a word she was saying .
27 So I did n't believe a word Stef said .
28 The followers a a are obliged to believe it and so the faith , the creed of the Catholic Church then becomes an article of membership and if you do n't subscribe to the creed , then this has implications for your standing in the group and you can for example be persecuted and Catholics not believing , whereas in a group like this , I do n't think we need a creed , we certainly would n't persecute anybody because we did n't believe a particular thing , because we can all negotiate our personal relations face- to-face .
29 She did n't believe a word of it .
30 Plainly he did n't believe a word she said .
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