Example sentences of "do [art] [det] research " in BNC.

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1 I 'd read the various bits and pieces a couple of times now , looking for something deep and mysterious in it all but not finding anything ; I 'd even done a little research of my own , and discovered through mum that dad had some more of Rory 's papers in his study ; she 'd promised she 'd try and look them out for me .
2 Doing a little research I can give you approximate numbers of the various things the Guild has made since the turn of the century as follows : 645 sets of Mass vestments , 121 copes , 226 altar cloths , 211 albs plus hundreds of pieces of small linen corporals , purificators amices , etc .
3 I did a little research at the time of the East German business .
4 We were married at home , and one of the reasons why is because we bought a very old house about three years ago and on the top floor it has a , a large room which used to be the ballroom , and we did a little research and we found that the last wedding that we know of in the house took place in seventeen fifty eight , when apparently it was very common in Scotland to get married at home , it was more uncommon to go to church .
5 Oh , yes , ’ he added when Robyn looked up at him in surprise , ‘ I did a little research on you before inviting you to tender for this job — I at least go about things in a methodical and planned way .
6 It is the ‘ forest enterprise ’ which plants trees , and the ‘ forest authority ’ which does a little research , provides technical and policy advice to government and private foresters , and hands out grants to the private sector .
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