Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [prep] the [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This effectively means tying ourselves into the rigorous German system of controlling monetary policy and inflation which , in the postwar period , has meant that the Germans have enjoyed consistently lower interest rates that those prevailing in the UK .
2 If they 'd murdered four thousand Danuese but said three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine had been killed by ourselves in the Danuese Civil War , then it meant they had killed only one .
3 We scrambled up the track and found ourselves beside the inevitable little mountain railway .
4 I remember the first production of The corn is Green with Sybil Thorndyke playing the hopeful headmistress and Emlyn Williams himself as the talented Welsh miner .
5 He never ever thought that he might live in one of these houses ; he always cast himself as the honoured young guest .
6 Nichetti once again casts himself as the noble little guy in a bewildering universe — more Buster Keaton than Woody Allen — this time dubbing sound effects on to animated features which gradually stray from their screens and absorb his entire body .
7 He always presented himself as the redeemed bad boy , but it was a lie , she says .
8 Recovering his balance with uncanny speed , he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim .
9 He was helpless to defend himself against the terrible gleaming weapon in the fist of the menacing black figure looming over him .
10 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
11 Sighing at the thought of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire , he rose and lifted his coat from the hook on the kitchen door , bracing himself against the cold stormy air , and strode off into the darkness .
12 The lyric poet ( in general ) is a composer first and foremost and , as such , a Dionysiac artist who surrenders his egoistic subjectivity to identify himself with the true metaphysical reality and reflect it in music .
13 He aligned himself with the Social Christian Party for the 1990 elections , saying that Nicaragua should be free from the influence of the superpowers .
14 The Observer commented that Ramsey destroyed his chances of succeeding Fisher as archbishop by so openly identifying himself with the extreme high church party .
15 She seemed to be pushing her enormous frame closer to his , as he tried to extricate himself from the small stuffy room which had begun to give him claustrophobia .
16 In a sharp exchange through the media on Oct. 12-13 Poltoranin accused Khasbulatov , who had called for his resignation , of " surrounding himself in the Supreme Soviet apparatus with exiles from the former party structures " .
17 The radical faction , however , was somewhat strengthened by the enhanced position of Khomeini 's son , Ahmad Khomeini , who had already established himself within the Iranian political scene [ see p. 36630 ] , and who after his father 's death was able to claim that his views and pronouncements carried the authority of the late leader .
18 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
19 In reaching his decision he founded himself on the only reported case as far as we know that has been decided under this provision ; it is the decision of the Court of Appeal in Brown v Liverpool Corporation [ 1969 ] 3 AER 1345 .
20 Salim 's outlook incorporates a version of that of his friend Indar , who teaches in the polytechnic for a while , and lends himself to the philanthropic white-liberal cultivation of the African experience , where some of the best comedy in the book is located .
21 D'Arcy punched the intercom button and introduced himself to the disembodied Oriental voice at the other end .
22 But while Tony Lesser is once again listing the Treasury 's objections to the topics Jane and I have proposed for discussion papers , a picture suddenly comes into my mind , with the most painful vividness , of Summerchild dragging himself across the hard wet ground , on the morning of June 24th 1974 , to the locked gates of that yard behind the Admiralty .
23 Government critics predicted that violence would now escalate , arguing that Fujimori had played into the hands of Sendero , which had long wished to provoke a military coup in the hope of establishing itself as the sole democratic force opposed to a repressive government .
24 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
25 He had just persuaded the Operative Builders Union to restructure itself as the Grand National Guild of Builders .
26 Unlike their predecessors they were at home in French , now establishing itself as the pre-eminent diplomatic language , and cultivated contacts with foreigners .
27 But still the employers resisted , and it was not until August 1917 that discontent among seamen led the government to establish joint meetings between the Ministry of Shipping , the NSFU and the Shipping Federation , with the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping , Sir Leo Chiozza Money as chairman , from which there evolved in the following November a joint " National Maritime Marine Board " , of the kind which Wilson had long advocated , which within a few weeks referred to itself as the National Maritime Board .
28 Despite its shattering defeat in 1931 the Labour Party had established itself as the dominant political force opposed to the Conservative Party , as the unchallenged controller of local government on the major coalfields and as the Party to which the great majority of trade-union officials gave their loyalty .
29 Metrogel received marketing authorisation in Britain in December 1991 and was launched by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals , Bioglan 's licensee , in April 1992 ; it has already established itself as the leading topical treatment for rosacea in Britain .
30 Enver Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who had headed the Communist-dominated Democratic Front until December 1990 , but who had subsequently been expelled from the party as it sought to rid itself of the hardline old guard , was arrested on Dec. 4 to stand trial for corruption , as was Rita Marko , a politburo member for 34 years until July 1990 .
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