Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Herbert Morrison wrote shortly before the 1933 Labour Party Conference : If the Socialist League point of view were approved by the Party it would drive us to defend ourselves for the greater part of our time against Tory allegations of Bolshevism and dictatorship .
2 Then , we remind ourselves of the supreme example of Christ , who placed his trust in his father 's love and ascended the hill of Calvary for our redemption .
3 First of all , let us remind ourselves of the traditional picture of children drawn for us by some great philosophers of the past .
4 It is useful to avail ourselves of the general habit of personifying the law and talking of what it requires , permits , claims , authorizes , etc .
5 Although we do not need to reconsider all the issues relating to the corporatisation of local government during the 1970s , it is important to remind ourselves of the widespread adoption of policy and resources committees , consisting of the senior elected members ( with sub-committees specialising in land , finance , personnel and performance review ) .
6 Jim Crow laws dictated that we all sit up in the coloured balcony , so we followed Earl up the stairs of the separate entrance , located to the right of the box office , and found ourselves in the highest tier of the auditorium .
7 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
8 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
9 ‘ We have found ourselves in the unusual position of having created our own market . ’
10 So when we have real emotions about someone , we lift ourselves from the shallow level of selfishness into the real and eternal .
11 I mean Mr Chairman it may just say honestly , I mean this is among ourselves from the commercial point of view there 's no doubt about it , I 'm in the grocery trade , the more you get on a lorry when you deliver you get every single
12 We 're going to lock ourselves inside the fragile skin of a small floating home , and all of us , three of us anyway , at odds and full of motives I did n't understand .
13 " We have no aggressive intentions and we commit ourselves to the peaceful resolution of all disputes .
14 Just as the race rekindled Classic hopes for Stoute , the flame was snuffed out for Newmarket trainer Mohammed Moubarak , who blamed himself for the dismal performance of 11–4 favourite Forest Tiger , who trailed in last after coming under pressure at half-way .
15 Mahoney sucked in a deep breath , preparing himself for the next round of questions .
16 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
17 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
18 By December 1982 , when Celtic lifted the League Cup for the first time since the mid-'70s , Nicholas had established himself as the young sensation of Scottish football .
19 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
20 During the Polish revolt of 1863 , M. N. Katkov ( 1818–87 ) established himself as the leading spokesman of an upsurge in nationalist fervour .
21 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
22 It means that Paul VI saw himself as the true heir of Pope John — but of a very different Pope John from the version usually presented to the public .
23 This is expected to be particularly revealing as Mr Camber , a curator at the British Museum before he went to work for Sotheby 's , heard about the hoard from an ex-colleague and became involved in negotiations over it in Switzerland some time before Lord Northampton , presenting himself as the single owner of the treasure , first approached Sotheby 's in 1988 with a view to selling .
24 As he pushed the calf 's head towards the udder he spat to rid himself of the polluting sight of birth .
25 Perhaps the man was excited because he saw the chance of making more money , Kirov rejected , in the hope that reminding himself of the mercenary side of the Jew 's character might make his job a little easier .
26 He may have reassured himself of the contnuing power of his charisma during recent tours of the south , where he was given a rapturous welcome .
27 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
28 Then he hurled himself against the rigid flap of wall , pushing it , bending it back into the hole , stamping on it as he forced his way into the darkness beyond .
29 Dulé saw him fall , and ran , swung himself up the smooth wall of the redoubt where the gunners were hard at work , and found himself at a mere arm 's length from one .
30 He made a dash for the big front door and threw himself into the gloomy chill of the hall .
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