Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [conj] she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And when , after lunch , she came downstairs in her new outfit , bought from Selfridge 's last week with the money which J. D. O'Connor had paid her for her articles , and with her next two articles in her bag , ready to be handed in to the great man himself before she returned to the rectory to pick up Rose Bailey , whose time off did not begin until four-thirty , both Dr Neil and Matey thought that she looked enchanting .
2 Slackening her step , she felt hope renewing itself as she strolled along the pavements past tubs of flowering plants interspersed with benches crowded with people resting their tired feet or simply sitting back and enjoying the sunshine while they watched the passers-by .
3 I grinned then , I recall , and brought the stunter down fast and acute across the weeds and the water , the sand and the surf , scudding it in across the wind to jerk and zoom just before it hit the girl herself where she sat on the dune top holding and spasmodically jerking the string she held in her hand , connected to the sky .
4 ‘ I 'm pleased with it , ’ Maria responded warily , reminding herself that she worked for the man .
5 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
6 She seemed to be talking to herself as she gazed into the fire .
7 Not only was Mrs Funnell startled , but Victoria was too , and even Peggy herself as she rounded on the old woman , crying at the top of her voice now , ‘ Like all men of his ilk , with a bloody big moaning mouth , yelling off , I , I , I , all the time , his wants .
8 ‘ No matter , ’ she said to herself as she walked into the hall .
9 ‘ T'is pity she 's a whore , ’ she said , smiling to herself as she crept along the landing to the second bedroom .
10 Iris , you 've got an admirer , murmured Melissa to herself as she got into the car .
11 It is regrettable , Elisabeth observed to herself as she climbed through the dunes , that clever men do not always make consoling company .
12 Caroline hugged herself as she danced to the telephone .
13 You will count very slowly to ten , Hilary admonished herself as she stood in the lane watching Leo 's rapidly diminishing figure .
14 Robyn smiled to herself as she charged down the motorway and imagined how she must look in such a battered , ramshackle old thing .
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