Example sentences of "on the opposite [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
2 The walls were similarly unadorned , apart from a large looking glass above the mantelpiece and , on the opposite wall , a double portrait by Van Dyck of two melancholy black-clad gentlemen of King Charles II 's court .
3 But now it was all over and he sat in the big armchair as dawn lightened the front windows and gave thanks , with a cup of coffee , to the Child of Prague high on the opposite wall .
4 The place had n't filled up yet but she noticed that the boys were congregating at the end of the hall beneath the balcony and on the left hand side while the girls were spread between the tables and chairs on the opposite wall , chatting and giggling and trying to pretend they were not waiting to be asked to dance .
5 He saw her through a gilt-framed mirror on the opposite wall , and that first glimpse of her brought him more joy than a dozen Christmases put together .
6 ‘ Look up , ’ she said , and we did , to see on the opposite wall full-length portraits of Nelson and the Duke of Wellington .
7 She noticed one of the wooden struts on the opposite wall had snapped off leaving an aperture the size of a football in the corner of the car .
8 She occupied herself with studying a map on the opposite wall because she knew she would have to change trains at some point .
9 When the sunbeams struck into his room through the rustling blinds , and quivered on the opposite wall like golden water , he knew that evening was coming on , and that the sky was red and beautiful ( 3 ) .
10 Sentences ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) illustrate the point : ( 2 ) He lay there listening to the noises not caring how time went but watching it and watching everything … ( 3 ) When the sunbeams struck into his room and quivered on the opposite wall through the rustling blinds like golden water he knew that evening was coming on , and that the sky was red and beautiful .
11 He drew their attention to the route map on the opposite wall and set them to counting how long it took between stops , a favourite exercise that was considered by the twins to be the height of intellectual prowess but risked serious brain damage to everyone within hearing distance .
12 This was a smaller room , again with a door on the opposite wall .
13 Deep shelves on the opposite wall contained boxes of tinned food and crates of spirits .
14 On either side of the bed , ornate brass oil lamps were attached to the wall , and there were two more on the opposite wall of the room .
15 Half an hour later , Harry left Breakspear College with scarcely a glance at what was now only a faint stain on the opposite wall .
16 On the opposite wall , a print was mounted ; an austere graphic design , white and grey to match .
17 Alan stared at the noticeboard on the opposite wall , pretending to read something but seeing nothing but a blur of the leaflets , notes , scraps of ribbon and withered buttonholes which Lucy had pegged up there .
18 During routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy one biopsy was taken for hostological examination from the antral mucosa 2 cm from the pylorus and one from the first part of the duodenum on the opposite wall to the area of ulceration .
19 He watched her another moment , then turned and strode to a cabinet on the opposite wall .
20 A side view of the decamer ( Fig. 1 b ) shows that CsA-binding loops of CypA are on one face of the pentamer whereas the secondary structure elements line up on the opposite surface .
21 A brilliant bird alighted on the opposite branch , cocked its head to show the jewels set within it , settled , and then realized that the boy was there , a mere span away .
22 A hare appeared on the opposite verge , quivered for a second , then ran swiftly up the road only to leap sideways out of the path of the approaching French infantry .
23 Returning from an early morning ‘ hit ’ at Porthleven harbour , on the opposite south coast of Cornwall , the St Agnes surfers have piled their wet boards and steamer suits in the back of the van , and the talk has turned to reggae and dub .
24 Both sat on the opposite row of seats and Magee moved uncomfortably under their gaze .
25 With double bed work , this no longer applies , as the needles on the opposite bed will form stitches which hold the tuck loops in place on the patterning needles .
26 All needles on one bed tuck for one row , while all needles on the opposite bed knit in the same row .
27 Here is a character economically dependent on the opposite sex , and who has instant and sole recourse to her vagina as her bargaining counter in negotiations with these two men .
28 When I emerge from the cabin , Teddy is sitting in a sunchair on the opposite balcony giving me a knowing look .
29 Sprawled on the opposite sofa , he was the epitome of relaxation .
30 It was the Voice of Reason , and it perched on the opposite shoulder from the Voice of his Conscience , and it was frequently on his side .
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