Example sentences of "on the open [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thousands of people are expected to waltz through the factory on the open weekend at the end of the month .
2 I flung it on the open ledger on the table .
3 On the open hillside where the boy had been , I saw a large , blackish-grey wolf with long white teeth and yellow eyes .
4 In addition sizeable flocks of dabbling ducks , mainly Mallard and Wigeon , feed inland by night and rest on the open sea by day .
5 In the winter most Little Grebes occur on sheltered waters at the coast , although they are rare on the open sea .
6 They are not often seen on the open sea except on passage .
7 The distribution of this species and Goosanders in Sussex is very similar , but Smew are even more infrequent on the open sea .
8 Goosanders are found on both fresh and salt water , near the coast and well inland , but they are rather rare on the open sea and are perhaps more likely to be seen c-n salt water in very cold weather .
9 The aircraft had a peculiar motion , rather like a small boat in a heavy ocean swell , or rather what I imagined that must feel like , never having been out on the open sea in a small boat .
10 The Firth was much broader here than at Dalmeny and , if it had not been a clear day , Corbett could have almost believed they were out on the open sea .
11 Octopi breed in solitary pairs while squid prefer to collect in huge aggregations producing masses of eggs in sticky clusters strewn unprotected on the open sea bed .
12 There is no reason to suppose that these beautifully caparisoned vessels were in use only round the coast of Thera ; they were probably not intended for long voyages on the open sea , but we can imagine that very similar passenger ships plied round the coasts of Crete , gliding elegantly from bay to bay .
13 The first of the two Sailing Challenge qualifiers was on the open sea in light winds .
14 The third race , for the Campkin Cup , was back on the open sea in light conditions .
15 Ideally on the open sea you should carry a flare pack .
16 Lake Saimaa is a fresh water lake and has flatter water and lighter , more fluky winds than on the open sea .
17 The boat moved restlessly beneath them , as if impatient to be out on the open sea .
18 ‘ I 've been canoeing off and on for about ten years , but this is my first venture on the open sea , ’ he said .
19 The chief executive of Medway Ports , Peter Vincent , said yesterday the area involved centred on the open sea wall used by Royal Fleet Auxiliary tankers , and not the adjacent nuclear submarine refitting facility .
20 On the open surface of the plateau , soils are thin and in many areas almost devoid of cover , the bare rock surfaces displaying the appearance of a limestone pavement , dissected by a rectangular grid of fissures .
21 Keep a look out when you 're in your local supermarket in the future , there is a fair chance the Traditional Free Range bird you see there , will have been grown on the Open Country system of management .
22 Parasitised dogwhelks do not join breeding aggregations and tend to be distributed singly on the open shore .
23 Both these rather delicately proportioned plants have more difficulty competing with other vigorous vegetation on the open river bank than they do in the neat crevices which man has provided for them .
24 200 to 300 students had visited the Chaplaincy on the open day for prospective students and a ‘ welcome night ’ by the Catholic Chaplaincy attracted about 50 students .
25 and Wednesday on the open day , you 're going after school
26 This is , in fact , exactly the topic that I 'm going to be addressing in my lecture on the Open Day .
27 Puffins spend most of their time fishing out on the open ocean , but in spring , in order to nest and breed , they have to return to land .
28 It can hardly be of great value to them out on the open ocean where they spend the bulk of their time , except perhaps to detect the stench of a floating carcass on which they might feed .
29 The family Rover also became bogged down on the beach road and his brother Anwar suffered a heart attack after spending a night on the open beach .
30 Having come prepared with a warm coat , mackintosh , and umbrella , I braved the elements , and sat on the open stand to watch this enjoyable match , as did quite a few others .
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