Example sentences of "with the general [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When we turn from ‘ needs ’ to ‘ resources ’ we find that these vary with the general wealth of an area .
2 They will be in line with the general recession but the market is so unstable at the moment that you have to review commercial policy almost on a monthly basis , ’ he says .
3 These data are in line with the general concept of a trend to more ‘ flexible production ’ ; they link the reduction in large plants , presented earlier , with the increase achieved in manufacturing output per person employed of 50 per cent , 1981–89 .
4 Les Rudd , chief executive , said : ‘ Turning Point , like any other organisation that deals with the general public , has a range of policies to ensure staff safety and minimise risks at work .
5 Lewis 's immediate success with the general public , and the huge popularity of his theological books , guaranteed him a rough ride with the Fellows of Magdalen , as well as with those in the Oxford Faculties of Theology and English Literature .
6 All the kennel staff at training centres are involved with the general public , fund raisers , puppy walkers and — except at the breeding centre — with the visually impaired students attending residential courses .
7 Such prejudice will fade as new patterns of care are established , bringing more mentally handicapped people into open contact with the general public .
8 At twenty-three , he had his first big hit with the general public : Pineapple Poll , still a crowd-puller after three decades .
9 Infinitely too sensitive to be shared , even in the most vague terms , with the general public , for whom the nuclear shield remains the ultimate defence .
10 They are usually also very willing to create special opportunities for individuals to become accustomed to new experiences such as going swimming , to help them become familiar with an unknown and perhaps daunting routine before ‘ plunging in ’ with the general public .
11 His Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language ( 1871 ) was immensely popular with the general public — by 1918 it had passed through eighteen editions .
12 This is a survey of attitudes towards civil and political rights in Britain based upon over 2000 interviews with the general public and over 1000 interviews with a political and governing elite , namely , party group leaders on local government councils throughout Britain .
13 This task it has admirably fulfilled , becoming very popular with the general public .
14 Opting out of a policy which costs each family of four over £1,000 a year would certainly do much to help the farming industry regain the esteem it once enjoyed with the general public .
15 Although the new capital is selectively marketed by the company through its issuing house ( the financial institution , usually a merchant bank , which has been employed to organize the placing ) to its clients , the Stock Exchange still requires that 25 per cent of the total shares be with the general public .
16 Despite their importance they are not household names as they do not deal with the general public .
17 It included notes and coin in circulation with the general public ( but not in banks ' tills ) , and sterling private sector sight deposits in banks .
18 There were only thirty visitors over the weekend Only one signing up for an organically grown allotment.It seems the message has n't yet taken root with the general public .
19 Our children had in , they went to schools here , and what with the friends , and neighbours and former schoolfriends we got on wonderfully well with the general public .
20 UK Property Unit Trusts are ‘ unauthorised ’ in that they do not have to be authorised by the DTI because of the fact that they do not deal with the general public ( major investors being pension funds and charities ) .
21 One success with the general public has been the paint exchange scheme in Leeds , which developed out of the WasteWagon trial scheme , mentioned in last year 's report , as a way of disposing of unwanted household paints , oil and garden chemicals .
22 We do n't , in fact , deal with the general public as such .
23 With the General Election looming , Mike Hayward sought the views of the three leading political parties on the access issue .
24 ANY suggestion that the population is bored stiff with the general election campaign was firmly refuted on Wednesday evening , by the amount of interest shown in the meeting of all four Winchester constituency candidates on the same platform in Alton .
25 Will he take steps to have that issue ventilated in a multi-question referendum of the people , which could perhaps be held in harmony with the general election ?
26 drop in their fortunes in the opinion polls did they decide that , with the general election coming up , and the prospect of their being routed , they should do something .
27 Three controversial referendums on abortion which had been due to take place on Dec. 3 [ see p. 39160 ] were brought forward to Nov. 25 to coincide with the general election .
28 The small role of fixed information appears consistent with the general finding that previous knowledge of a junction does not affect recognition performance .
29 If Sartre 's argument depended on a logic of history as totalization but broke down when he could not combine the praxis of the individual with the general logic of ‘ totalization without a totalizer ’ except through the proliferation of his own writing , Althusser , by contrast , exploited the possibility of history as a ‘ process without a subject ’ , a history characterized by radical breaks and discontinuities , distinct from each other and not totalizing .
30 For non-Marxists , then , Marxist theories can never be disproved empirically because the theory can always be reworked or ‘ false consciousness ’ invoked to explain any apparent aberrant behaviour which appears to be inconsistent with the general logic of the objective laws of change which Marx originally formulated .
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