Example sentences of "with the [adj] exception " in BNC.

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1 Generally speaking , then , most of the factors emphasized by the orthodox account are genuine enough ( with the outstanding exception of the ‘ toxic mix ’ idea ) .
2 With the outstanding exception of some Asian countries , among the 56 countries represented in Table 18 , the risks of maternal mortality due to abortion are more similar for girls under age 15 and women over 44 than the chances of succumbing to obstetric related causes .
3 A similar system is in operation in many countries , with the key exception of the US , where book prices are much lower than in the UK .
4 And with the other exception of the chief executive who according to his er conditions of appointment has a three months notice period .
5 With the singular exception of property stocks , all sectors benefited from heavy demand , almost all leading shares sporting double-figure gains .
6 They are all hoofed mammals , with two main toes of roughly equal size ; and they are all ( with the singular exception of the pig , which is an omnivore ) herbivores — they eat only vegetation .
7 These , along with other , related ventures , made the members of the Python team all variously rich — with the sole exception of Chapman .
8 Whether they wanted to or not , Tremayne , Mackie and Perkin received a minute-by-minute account of the whole day with the sole exception of the discussion about Angela Brickell .
9 With the sole exception of the simplest nucleus , namely the single proton at the centre of hydrogen , all nuclei contain both protons and neutrons .
10 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
11 With the sole exception of the Museum of German History , which recently moved to the Altes Museum in former East Berlin , it is unique in being funded entirely by the German federal government .
12 She was happy to go anywhere , under any conditions , with the sole exception of the roofs of trains .
13 Every national newspaper pressed the case for a ‘ Yes ’ vote , with the sole exception of the Communist daily L'Humanité .
14 With the sole exception of the global communist movement , the Green or environmentalist movement presents the greatest contemporary challenge to the global capitalist system .
15 The film employed every trick in the Hollywood book of aerial tactics , with the refreshing exception of aircraft miniatures , to create the aerial fleet .
16 With the great exception of Joseph II the rulers of the major States in the later eighteenth century were not prepared to face the problems involved in pushing through really radical changes of this kind .
17 With the possible exception of Louis Malle , none of that generation of French movie-makers was too happy with more grandiose material : sitting through some of Doniol-Valcroze 's later films , one longed more and more for the simplicity of that one .
18 Today no-one — with the possible exception of members of his family - seriously believes that Wallenberg is still alive somewhere in what is left of the Gulag Archipelago , four and a half years into perestroika .
19 Of all the music business agreements artists are likely to sign ( with the possible exception of the agreement between the different members of the band ) , the management/artist relationship is a contract for services at its most personal .
20 With the possible exception of Baldwin in 1937 no Prime Minister in the twentieth century has left office willingly and on a high note .
21 None is satisfactory but none really corresponds to Morgan 's , Engels 's and Marx 's theory , with the possible exception of that presented by M. Fried , an American anthropologist , who argues that stratification , is at least , a ‘ necessary pre-condition ’ of the State [ Fried , 1967 ] .
22 Oddly , perhaps ominously , the war has in many respects gone better for Israel to date than for any other single party ( with the possible exception of CNN ) . ’
23 As far as we know , the ancients intended their metalwork , both artistic and utilitarian , to be kept in a brightly polished metallic state , with the possible exception of special alloys such as Corinthian bronze .
24 With the possible exception of the first , the ability and success of these women are unquestionable , even if they exercised power faute de mieux , against the natural order of things .
25 The rest of the Bournonville repertory , with the possible exception of A Folk Tale , pervaded with a sense of humour and the joy of dancing , is less satisfying .
26 Much the funniest poll night offering — with the possible exception of Have I Got News For You ( BBC2 ) , which was still being edited as I write — was the scheduled repeat of Porridge ( BBC1 ) .
27 With the possible exception of Mrs Major , who has to struggle not to look cheerful at the mention of leaving 10 Downing Street , and Sir Denis Thatcher ( ’ I 'm so bloody glad we 're not doing it this time ’ ) , every good political consort must learn how to be a good loser .
28 Technically all could be done by voluntary workers with the possible exception of ( arranging ) Weekend Schools .
29 With the possible exception of the towns of Bremen and Hamburg and the ‘ Free State ’ of Bavaria , where strong regional loyalties are important , Germany is a thoroughly homogeneous nation-state ( before the annexation of the five new Länder , at least ) .
30 There are few equivalents anywhere in Europe ( with the possible exception of the Finnish Swedes ) of the widespread Welsh language provision in schools .
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