Example sentences of "you consider that [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then surely you consider that an honour which ought not to be declined , ’ he said gravely .
2 This guitar 's sound is quite full , although it does n't seem to project particularly well — not a problem if you consider that the nature of the beast is part electric .
3 Pretty soon , if you consider that the only gags he feels at home with are the ones that get stuffed in his mouth in the interest of his , er , research .
4 Oddly shaped tanks may not hold as much water as you may think , which is important when you consider that the stocking level for a mixed fish/invest system is 1″ of fish per six gallons of water .
5 Perhaps this alc-free atmos is pertinent , when you consider that the auditorium is your classic Dead Poets Society assembly hall , all carved balconies and high arches , church-like to the point of intense God-fear !
6 The total cost of this project was around £100 and to anyone like myself who has a lack of space , it is well worth the money , especially when you consider that the only other option would be to place newly-purchased fish straight into your pond with your other prize specimens .
7 When you consider that the event is only played on this side of the Atlantic once every four years I do n't think that the decision-makers at the BBC did the event justice , particularly with all the hype which went before it .
8 If you consider that the recitation of the names of British heroes will advance your cause , you might even interpolate :
9 However , this proves difficult in the space available when you consider that the total number of current classes stands at an impressive 170 !
10 Either you consider that the County Farms are playing a role set down by law and supported over the years of an , which no other authority and no other body in the country can provide , and which is a socially valuable role , and that is to provide the first step in farming , and clearly they do .
11 10 years ago The game show 3–2–1 had a Spinechillers theme , which was hardly surprising when you consider that the guests included Mike Read and Dave Lee Travis , two DJs guaranteed to send a shiver of shock up anyone 's spine .
12 Chairman Peter Johnson said : ‘ We are delighted to have this following when you consider that the recession is biting deep .
13 I mean when you consider that the cost of those chickens
14 Yes that seems to me to fit that sort of bill , erm to be quite honest I would prefer that we base the promises on a previous paper that T six six one , er you know , sort of er typical success of the fact looking forward cos at least erm that 's not so erm , you know , sort of difficult to erm you know achieve as erm sort of repairing potholes within , when you consider that the reason that the potholes do n't get mended is because government legislation has it that we have to actually erm have lines painted all round them , so that they can be part of the package of er road mending in many cases , I mean urgently erm difficult ones are not that common er so I think that perhaps some of these promises are so difficult because it gives with one hand and takes back with the other , you know , it says we promise , but , I , I would say that 's not much of a promise , you say I promise to erm , you know , erm merge , I forgot about , but if it said but , you know , if it rains I wo n't tell you , er it would be very sad
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