Example sentences of "[adj -er] [conj] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can tell you he 's running quicker than at the same time last year , ’ said the Welshman , confident that Christie is capable of matching Canadian Bruny Surin 's 1993 world best of 6.45 .
2 He was wearing a grey suit with a light polo-neck sweater which made him look younger and at the same time more intimidating than he had the day before .
3 Oil prices remained 35 per cent higher than at the same time the previous year , the prospect of increased trade with Saudi Arabia and Iran opened up and major development projects , such as the expansion of the Das Island gas liquefaction plant and Dubai 's dhow wharfage scheme , recommenced .
4 It is already apparent that players are much fitter than at the same time last season .
5 ‘ Fight the flab and feel fitter and at the same time reduce your risk of developing heart disease , ’ is his emphatic message to employees .
6 They felt they were working hard enough to make their hearts stronger and at the same time they were stretching their bodies sufficiently to reach their deeper muscles .
7 Throughout the last 120 years , the demands on the experience and accumulated information of the Geological Survey in Scotland have never been greater than at the present time .
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