Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [am/are] [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Prodding them into this potential suicide mission , Anderson says , are his mighty ‘ friends , ’ IBM and DEC , both of whom are anxious to blunt the tip of Sun 's arrow .
2 The capacity of a few — perhaps a very few — people to inflict extinction on us , will gradually extend to more and more small groups of human beings , all of whom are liable to exhibit the self-aggrandisement and irrationality which have led to so much unnecessary suffering in the history of our species .
3 As there are many persons of distinction in England who are pleased to honour the art of gardening by making it a considerable part of their amusement and have been greatly assisting in the introducing of large numbers of new plants , shrubs and trees into the English gardens and as some of these noble persons have studied the science of botany and are well acquainted with the characters and true names of the plants … their example will render it necessary for the professors of Gardening at least to know the plants they cultivate by their proper titles …
4 The two sides were brought together with the help of high-powered intermediaries who are keen to end the dispute .
5 And just as those who are young feel the need to talk about and prepare for earlier important events , such as their wedding , or their children 's christenings , it is quite normal and not at all macabre for some old people to want to look ahead and plan for the ritual and display of family love and unity that will take place on the day of their departure from this world .
6 It is independent of Government and is formulated by researchers who are anxious to establish the truth , because without those facts we can not deploy the resources effectively .
7 Bertolt Brecht advises people who are hungry to learn the alphabet .
8 It will be up to councils to decide how to keep information about people who are liable to pay the council tax .
9 Each local authority must compile a register containing the names and addresses of those within the area who are liable to pay the tax and the dates from which they become , or cease to be , liable .
10 People who are liable to pay the community charge may qualify for benefit if they have a low income and no more than £16,000 in savings .
11 Nothing that has happened in the recent cases provides any reason whatsoever for people who are liable to pay the community charge failing to do so .
12 Nothing that has happened in some recent cases provides any reason for people who are liable to pay the community charge failing to do so .
13 The pair , who are favourite to win the gold , led from the start and had a comfortable win , beating the German team by nearly three seconds .
14 Quoting Machiavelli 's prediction on what could happen to anyone committed to bringing in change , Sir Ron warns that ‘ whenever those who are hostile have the opportunity to attack , they do it like partisans , while the others defend lukewarmly , in such wise that the innovator is endangered along with them ’ .
15 No doubt there will be would-be adopters who are likely to find the possibility of inclusive adoption threatening and not wish to proceed .
16 The list itself is secret , although it is a fair bet that it contains only a few genuinely brilliant minds , and fewer still who are likely to rock the boat .
17 We therefore warmly invite all fellow members and students who are able to reach the venue to hear Anthony McDermott , the editor of the World Trade page of the Financial Times , give us his views form the ‘ pink ’ world of the most famous and possibly reputable financial publication in the world .
18 The State has powers to alienate the rights of possessions to such " deserving grantees " ( the deserving grantees , according to Islamic law , are the landless , the warriors and others who serve the State , those who can actually cultivate the land , and those who have just embraced Islam ) who are able to put the land to productive use and to be of benefit to the society at large .
19 By this process control passes out of the hands of the inefficient management team to those who are able to utilise the company 's assets at a level closer to their true potential .
20 Gandhi acknowledged this and what he has to say about brahmacārya has to be taken as applying in the main to those who are able to accept the discipline involved in resolving to enter the third stage of life .
21 Arguably , however , this extends more to those in relatively menial and unskilled tasks and less to those high-flying executives who are able to combine the need for social identity , sexual fulfilment and the like with the profitability of their enterprises .
22 Some concierges have deals with individual taxi or mini-cab drivers who are able to jump the rank outside .
23 This , it is feared , leads to a down-grading of the autonomy of Congress , an unbalanced economy and the creation of a cabal of military and industrial leaders , who are able to influence the executive branch of government in an undemocratic way .
24 ( 1981 ) , who are able to alter the appearance of their homes , tend not to use modernist styles , which , in any case , do not lend themselves to such appropriation .
25 Specimen signatures of those who are entitled to bind the firm or the company must be deposited with the Companies Registry ( ‘ procura ’ ) .
26 Even academics , who are supposed to embody the quintessence of detached assessment , somehow respond with a lack of enthusiasm when it is suggested that their own methods of teaching , research , or organization might benefit from review .
27 There is very strong feeling about this issue and , although the Government are urgently considering the matter that has recently arisen , the vast majority of people expect those who are supposed to pay the community charge to do so .
28 I intend over the next Journals to put them on record for all members , who are unable to visit the Museum at Bishop 's Castle , to reproduce them for you .
29 Unfortunately , most of the material which is sent in comes from people who have no other way of getting in touch with us , or who are unable to seek the advice of professional songwriters or publishers .
30 Addressing the plenum on July 25 , Gorbachev criticised " the representatives of communist fundamentalism who are unable to escape the grip of dogmatic conceptions " and said that the party had to move away from Marxism-Leninism to " include in our ideological arsenal all the riches of our and the world 's socialist and democratic thought " .
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