Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb -s] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1990 there were two women among them , Mrs Susan Williams , a keen race-goer who represents the Queen in South Glamorgan , and Lavinia , Duchess of Norfolk , in West Sussex .
2 The destruction of Chesney Wold may be traced back , in more senses than one , to the family ghost , for it is haunted by one who represents the cause of commonwealth and people , as opposed to monarchy and the pride of privilege .
3 That depends on who snatches the power of appointment from politicians in Rome .
4 It is therefore the recipient , you Jacques , or anyone , the other , who transforms the subject into author , making him pass through this zero-stage , this negation , this exclusion which is the author .
5 Foucault is particularly critical of the appropriating structure of totalization , Marxist or otherwise , insofar as it implies the superiority of the theorist who produces the totalization of knowledge ; in the same way , he distrusts the use of history as an encompassing framework because it works as a power structure that enables the expropriation and control of the past according to the perspective and truth of the present .
6 This was fighting pride from Nigel Benn of Britain , who produces the sort of middleweight action the punters want to see : knockout punching .
7 Each rig crew comprises a driver , Who drives the vehicle on land , a pilot , Who operates it when it becomes a ‘ boat ’ on the water , and the youngest member , a crewman , who operates the hydraulic ramp controls and does all the deck jobs .
8 The head who plays the role of buffer or filter of communication between the school and the outside world will never have a well marketed school .
9 For the person who appreciates the beauty of poetry , the path through ecstasy and the peak experience is easy to see and it leads directly to the highest mysticism , ending in release and beyond .
10 And I think there is this dividing line that there is the pure craft where the object is functional and is made for a specific purpose , but is beautifully made , but there is also the craftsman who crosses the barrier between art and craft , who makes beautiful objects that are perhaps non functional , and then of course you 're in the controversial field .
11 For , using it , we can say that anyone who understands the concept of pain knows that certain sorts of behaviour are criteria for pain-ascription .
12 You may still be a child but you are the only person in this dreadful place who understands the meaning of care .
13 In what terms do Armenians and Azeris argue about who has the right to Mountain Karabakh , which is in Azerbaijan , but inhabited mainly by Armenians ?
14 If a Protocol party acts in material breach of the Protocol , who has the right of termination or suspension ?
15 Some tradesman who has the right of access ? ’
16 The Defence wheel can only be put over for a major change of course when there is a fortuitous coincidence of national and international events , political trends , and economic pressures at a time when there is also a Secretary of State in office , who has the strength of character and political standing to create a new consensus in Whitehall , Westminster , and the electorate .
17 You may find it a long way to come for a comparatively short meeting and I should also mention that we have a regular reporter who covers the meeting on behalf of the Courier and the Garstang Guardian .
18 Secondly , and perhaps inevitably arising out of the first situation , the young adult who joins the sub-culture of deafness and uses sign language has , in the community 's eyes , given up the search for sameness and therefore society 's help comes in a ‘ care for the disabled ’ package .
19 Iain Crichton Smith 's An Honourable Death ( Macmillan , £13.99 ) remains firmly rooted in fact , tracing the career of a real and profoundly troubled figure , Hector Macdonald , a crofter 's son who joins the army on impulse at 17 and rose brilliantly through the ranks to become Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald , the real hero of Omdurman , before homosexual scandal ended his career and his life .
20 He has a tutor , a retired teacher who visits the house for mathematics and is following a traditional and largely irrelevant course in it ( such as he might be following at school ) and he is learning quite sufficient about mathematics in context apart from that ( shades of Cockcroft ! )
21 ‘ Bare trustee ’ means , in short , a person who holds the deposit on trust for another person who has the exclusive right to direct how it shall be dealt with : section 106 .
22 Leach ( 1977 ) has shown the ephemerality which lies in any attempt to classify deviance on a global scale ; for what is criminal in one society or at one point in time is relative to that time and place and to who holds the discourse on power .
23 The children 's case has been taken up by Gloucester MP Douglas French , who wants the Secretary of State for Education to intervene :
24 As Harold Laski wrote in 1925 : ‘ Anyone who studies the record of war-control of industry from 1914 to 1918 , will be amazed at the mass of material we possess upon the necessary mechanisms of regulation . ’
25 Along the way he meets Robert Duvall 's Kilgore , who loves the smell of napalm in the morning , Dennis Hopper 's loony photographer and , ultimately , Kurtz , the shaven-headed mumbling philosopher with a penchant for putting heads on sticks .
26 This opinion is shared by Deffenbacher who concludes the consideration of arousal in a recent review of research on eyewitness testimony with the statement that ‘ the effect of arousal on witness accuracy is now also reasonably clear .
27 The three candidates Mr Fowler , Mrs Fletcher and Frank Cook , who defends the seat for Labour will speak at an open forum arranged by the Christian Election Forum in Norton parish church , at 8pm on Sunday .
28 In the New Testament it is Paul who develops the concept of salvation in terms of justification .
29 Grimes ( 1975 : 109 ) , who describes the marking of paragraph boundaries as one form of ‘ partitioning ’ in discourse .
30 Although the linguist who undertakes the analysis of discourse has ultimately the same aims as a linguist who uses ‘ system-sentences ’ in his grammatical description of a language , there are important methodological differences involved in the two approaches .
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