Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Some personnel directors speculate that young male managers have problems relating to older women , who may remind them of their wives or even mothers .
2 The coastal inhabitants did not worship a God who might safeguard them in their own true image .
3 One would like to think that she even found it an advantage to be an ASROG , and that Miss B. and Miss T. , who could take it in their stride , had prepared her to enjoy it .
4 She had lost her virginity when she was ten , so she told us , and she was popular with some of the Spanish men who would perch her on their knees and allow her to fondle their private parts as a joke .
5 Will any of those disappointed Berlin front-runners stand a chance , and who would replace them in their respective jobs if they go ?
6 Applicants are attached to a voluntary business advisor in their own area who will assist them with their initial business plan .
7 It is said to function through the mechanism of the take-over bid so as to allocate the assets of companies to those managers who can put them to their best use , thereby disciplining managers to maximize profits or face the threat of a take-over bid ousting them from their jobs .
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