Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Is my hon. Friend aware that despite the success of local management of schools , staff are still very worried that experienced older teachers who qualify for the higher salary scales will be discarded in favour of less experienced younger staff ?
2 Journalists blame this on the fact that Mr Heseltine , David Mellor and the other ‘ dogs of war ’ who make for the best viewing concentrated on attacking Labour .
3 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
4 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
5 By this I mean that those who identify themselves with the cause of animal welfare are increasingly those who speak for the commercial animal agriculture community , the bio-medical community , the hunting and trapping communities , and so on .
6 But others who vote for the same party may be motivated by directly opposite considerations — a strong commitment to education , say , but no concern about pensions .
7 Like tourists who visit for the first time , it seemed our resident rabbits sensed the tranquil harmony that is the essence of this tiny unspoilt paradise in the Mediterranean .
8 Investigators who opt for the first solution may seek out variable syntactic elements where meaning variation does not constitute a serious problem ; this is the general approach taken by Cheshire .
9 However , when there is no chance that demand will fluctuate over the duration of the " event " , for example where the " event " is the week or two of heavy bookings at a hotel over Christmas , payment might be offered in the form of a lump sum at the end and might include a " loyalty bonus " for those who stay for the full period .
10 I mean you see them walking around particularly people who go for the big dogs , you see them walking around with a big thick necks , the tattoos , the er the boots and the jeans rolled up .
11 In the experience of friends who canvass for the Labour party , old , white , middle-class men are the rudest .
12 Those who return for the same symptoms or are referred may require more attention .
13 All those of us who care for the future well-being of Europe will take comfort from the fact that Mr Lewis is now — how shall we put it ? — hardly the influence he once was .
14 Many children , it was said , ‘ actually begin their downward course of crime by reason of the burglary and pickpocket scenes they have witnessed ’ : ‘ All who care for the moral well-being and education of the child will set their faces like flint against this new form of excitement . ’
15 The Defense Department employs nearly 80 per cent of the civilian and military personnel who work for the federal government and , in 1978 , was paying over 5 million incomes to military personnel and civilian employees past and present .
16 MORE THAN 10,000 women who work for the Regional Council have received a cervical smear test since 1988 , and the Women 's Unit has played a major part in that achievement .
17 A company is employee controlled if more than half its issued ordinary share capital and voting power is beneficially owned by full-time employees , namely individuals who work for the greater part of their time as employees or directors of the company or its 51% subsidiaries .
18 At present , the vast majority of people who work for the Scottish Transport Group come within a pension scheme-TOPS .
19 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
20 It 's not only the chrysanthemum or dahlia enthusiasts who search for the best types of plants for the show bench .
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