Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb mod] be [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , we have not dealt clearly enough with the position of those students who may be living in the same property as their landlord .
2 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
3 A MC clause obviously sustains collusion by creating an incentive for a buyer to report to a seller keeping to the agreement prices of a seller who may be cheating on the agreement , at the same time nullifying the effect of the latter .
4 He seemed about to drop off as he said : ‘ Pity it 's Viola who 'll be raking in the dough , is n't it ? ’
5 I know they 've invited a lot of guests , who 'll be staying in the house .
6 Sarah Spencer of the Rue Conti Jazz Band is one of many musicians who 'll be appearing at the Farnham Maltings All-Day Jazz Festival on Sunday , May 10th .
7 and this is where it really matters and really counts , what are the army saying to new recruits who might be going into the careers ' office , army careers ' office tomorrow ,
8 They skirted the edge of the open space , keeping to the borders of woodland which had once been landscaped , and Melanie was grateful , for she would have felt too visible , too exposed out on the sea of grass — a sitting target for some marksman , for the arrow of any figure in Lincoln green who might be flitting among the mossy trunks .
9 Nothing too conspicuous : this is broad daylight , and one never knows who might be sitting in the next taxi , stuck in a queue along Knightsbridge .
10 Every family had to notify the police of the number of members of the family who would be present on the day , and give the names of any guests who would be staying in the house .
11 There was a smiling Chinese gentleman who cooked in the small forward dining car where the grooms , among others , would be eating , and an unsmiling Canadian who would be cooking in the main central dining car for the bulk of the racegoers and the crew themselves .
12 I would be grateful if you could inform me of the person in your department who would be dealing with the register of Wildlife Sites .
13 On the gallery 's upper floor , the exhibition of drawings and small sculptures by Meg Cranston , the Californian artist who will be participating in the Aperto section of the Venice Biennale , continues ( to 6 March ) , and Schubert is screening a compilation of video works created by Californian artists in his basement ( programme details from the gallery ) .
14 We would ask those who will be participating in the classes to try to wear either Medau blue or navy blue leotards , tunics , tights because this is visually more pleasing .
15 SOUTH AFRICA , who will be competing for the first time , are to stage the 1995 Rugby World Cup .
16 But Mr Jim Mattox , one of the two Democrats who will be competing in the run-off election for the party 's nomination on April 10th , tried in similar vein to take credit for executions even though , as Texas 's attorney-general , he is involved with civil cases , not criminal ones .
17 David and Scott Lloyd are just two of the father/son partnerships who will be competing in the national finals at Quietwaters Hotel , Golf and Country Club later this month ( 24th–28th Feb ) .
18 Promoted by Rhyl Town Council , the festival has attracted leading London band Hillingdon , who will be competing in the top section along with a record 140 soloists .
19 Doug Alker , RNID 's director of quality and research , who will be speaking at the event , said its aim was to give the deaf and hard of hearing better access to banks , shops , offices and local councils .
20 Mr Lamont , who will be sipping at the despatch box from Highland Spring water and Highland Park whisky , has broken the traditional Treasury silence in the run-up to the Budget to fight for his political survival by stating publicly he wants to remain as Chancellor .
21 ST JOHN the Baptist Parish , Timperley have welcomed Sister Marie O'Donnell , who will be working in the parish each week , particularly to help those preparing for baptism .
22 The League leaders will be without full-back Tony Clement , who has a stress fracture of the shin , and prop Chris Clarke , who will be playing in the English Divisional Championship for the South West .
23 In some schools you will be asked to participate with other students in basic class work over a weekend ( as happens at the Bristol Old Vic drama school ) and in some you may find yourself being judged partly by senior students of the school who will be sitting with the faculty panel ( which is something that happens at Drama Centre ) .
24 Others featured individually are the young Hamburg artist Wolfgang Strack , who uses the language of comic strips and will be giving his own version of the art of the last thirty years in the Hauptmann-Schule building ; and the American Max Neuhaus , who will be exhibiting on the main staircase of the AOK , a building erected in the 1950s and recently listed as being of architectural interest .
25 As you can see we 've got three children who will be going to the school and I do n't want them to think they have to get in a car every time they travel anywhere .
26 One of the 100 Merseysiders who will be going on the trip , whines : ‘ We definitely wo n't be drinking before we have to drive back but I 'm sure we 'll have the odd glass or three when we make it back to Liverpool . ’
27 In August the campus will be visited by the Bavarian State Youth Orchestra and also by ballet and contemporary dance companies from Norway , North Carolina and Venezuela , who will be performing at the MacRobert .
28 What you do need is the desire and determination to learn , and if you have that , you are well on the way to joining more than 100,000 men and women from every walk of life who will be studying with the Open University next year .
29 THIS is the first picture of Romanian toddler Constantin who will be travelling to the North-East for a vital operation .
30 The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of Sir Brian Fall KCMG to be HM Ambassador to the Russian Federation in succession to Sir Roderic Braithwaite KCMG , who will be retiring from the Diplomatic Service .
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