Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He will team up with Widnes star John Devereux who agreed a short-term deal with Manly coach Graham Lowe last week .
2 THE councillor who attacked a controversial version of Swan Lake is now considering seeing the performance .
3 Detectives hunting the rapist who attacked a young woman at a Nottingham f music festival at the weekend , have been interviewing some of the thousands of people who attended the event .
4 Police think the man — who attacked a young woman in Brighton — is a transvestite or had been to a fancy dress party .
5 A court has been told that a teenager who attacked a wheelchair-bound pensioner in his own home was high on the drug Ecstasy .
6 A CONVICTED sex attacker who kidnapped a six-year-old girl from a playground was jailed for two years yesterday after a top judge said the law forced him to disregard the man 's long criminal record .
7 Jesus was not a social reformer with a social message who produced a socio-economic blueprint for society .
8 The central hall in the gallery is dedicated to the work of Josef Manés who produced a wide range of subject-matter including fine portraits of the rising bourgeoisie .
9 SCOT Colin Montgomerie , who produced a disappointing performance in the Moroccan Open , is also facing a possible £1,000 fine for bringing the European PGA Tour into disrepute .
10 And Hateley , frozen out of the England scene , but who produced a high-quality display in Rangers ' 1-0 European Cup win against CSKA Moscow on Wednesday , said last night : ‘ I think Gary Lineker was quite right to criticise Graham Taylor .
11 ‘ It is better than my earlier victory over Terry Griffiths because I played much better , ’ said Higgins , who produced a mature break of 99 in the eighth frame to kill off Terry 's revival as he battled back from a 3-0 deficit .
12 Her work was brought to the notice of Dr Trew , who produced an enlarged edition under the name Herbarium Blackwelliarum ( 5 vols. 1750–56 ) with five hundred hand-coloured etchings .
13 I am saying that Lord Justice Woolf , who produced an authoritative report on prison riots and the improvement of prison conditions — admittedly , a report that does not recommend the one thing that the Home Secretary has chosen to do , but a report which the Home Secretary wrongly described as comprehensive — draws attention time after time to the simple fact that all prisons that rioted in 1990 and were the subject of the inquiry were so overcrowded that many of the proper duties that prisons should perform were not being and could not be performed .
14 This conundrum puzzled Daily Mirror columnist , Marje Proops , who produced an excellent summary of the issues of sexual assault :
15 Hercules needed the help of his cousin , Iolaos , who plunged a burning stake into the central head .
16 His mentor during the stay was the Secretary of State for Wales , George Thomas ( later created Lord Tonypandy ) , who became a lifelong friend as a result .
17 EDMUND Garvey was an old-fashioned policeman who became a controversial head of the Irish Republic 's force during one of its most turbulent periods .
18 This was All McDowell who became a close friend of mine , founded i-D magazine and coined the phrase ‘ Fuck Art : Let's Dance . ’
19 In those years , he visited Vienna and met one of Meli 's relatives , Lotti Meitner-Graf — who became a firm friend of the couple .
20 He , and his twin brother James , who became a successful farmer in Logie in Aberdeenshire , were the second and third of the five children of Alexander Gordon , tenant farmer of Miltown of Drum .
21 John was succeeded by his son , John Fitzjohn [ q.v. ] , who became a leading supporter of Simon of Montfort .
22 Hyndman , who became a patriotic supporter of a war to which most British Marxists were opposed .
23 Soon afterwards , his daughter married an Englishman called Sevier , a Director of the Siberian Bank and they had a son , Alfred Hynam Sevier , who became a medical practitioner to the Court .
24 From 1841 her childhood was spent near the centre of Manchester , though her father , who became a senior partner in his Manchester shipping firm , prospered and was in 1855 able to move to the far more select area of Whalley Range .
25 The resulting expansion in business necessitated the formation of a partnership with his young associate Guy Green , who became a full partner in 1763 .
26 MR ALAN BOND , the London-born tycoon who became an Australian hero in 1983 when he won the America 's Cup yacht race , was declared bankrupt yesterday .
27 By the time of Jesus , those Jews who lived a good distance from Jerusalem were required only to make the pilgrimage at Passover .
28 He ended up in the village of Hampole near Doncaster , where he became the spiritual director of the local anchoress Margaret Kirkby , who lived a solitary life in a cell next to the Church , and the nuns of the enclosed Cistercian convent .
29 It was Barratt who , as we shall see , was really the moving spirit and who kindled a new era of prosperity by resuscitating the old Paddy End and Coniston Deep Mines into an entity capable of comparison with any in the country .
30 Former England skipper Wilkins , who partnered a young Durrant in midfield for a season , championed the youngster 's cause long before he came back from injury .
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