Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 The terrible murderer who stalked his victims in the Tower ?
2 It was also Peter 's aim to improve the standard of medical knowledge in Russia and of an estimated 11 doctors , 87 surgeons , one eye specialist and 9 apothecaries who sought their fortunes in the country , many of the most prominent were Scots .
3 He said all members of the Defence Forces signed an oath when they joined pledging that they would not associate with illegal organisations and this new vetting measure was an insult to those who risked their lives in the fight against terrorism .
4 In 1937 the Congregationalist Albert Peel reflected on the late Victorian and Edwardian periods : ‘ Ministers who began their pastorates in the twenty years before the war look back in amazement at sermons they then preached , with their acceptance of the inevitability of progress . ’
5 The studies from Nigeria suggest that this failure may be as much to do with the character and personality traits of the generation of entrepreneurs who developed their businesses in the 1960s .
6 Investigators questioned a hundred people who walked their dogs in the area , where there are no enforceable controls to restrict dog fouling .
7 ‘ The wee pug ’ , which translated into language sassenachs understand , means little saddle or tank engines who worked their lives in the washeries , sorting yards and transfer to main line .
8 At the end of WWII , the Beverley , East Yorks firm of Richard Hodgson 's Tannery had a Memorial to those employees who lost their lives in the two world wars displayed on the outside wall of their social club .
9 Chris Garnham was one of the 51 people who lost their lives in the Marchioness disaster last year .
10 D N A testing is to be used to provide positive identification of the Britons who lost their lives in the Waco cult siege .
11 residents of the village who lost their lives in the nineteen fourteen eighteen war is n't it ?
12 What message has he for the 2,000 television staff who lost their jobs in the run-up to the franchise round , and the similar number who will now be put out of work ?
13 That is a round figure subject to the hazards of forecasting , but no one should doubt that , among the quarter of a million people who lost their jobs in the recession , there will be many craftsmen and trainees , who will be permanently lost to the industry .
14 On the other hand , it was quite often the same people who represented their countries in the various bodies : when the ministerial organs of the OEEC , Council of Europe , NATO or WEU were examined , the overlapping nature of their memberships was very apparent .
15 The names come easily off the tongue : David Burns , Roland Wysner , George McCartney and many others — worthy winners who took their laurels in the face of stiff competition from all over the country .
16 Books of Remembrance record the names of over 125,000 and women who gave their lives in the Service , and Roll of Honour commemorates over 19,000 US airmen who died on active service while serving in the UK .
17 A memorial ‘ to commemorate the eternal memory of those American , British , Belgian and Commonwealth airmen who gave their lives in the course of freedom , 1943–1945 , prompts our thoughts , ‘ Lest We Forget ’ .
18 De Gaulle 's priorities on becoming the Fourth Republic 's last prime minister had a familiar ring to anybody who remembered his actions in the 1940s .
19 The counter argument is that investors ought to have known that there was a risk involved , particularly those who put their funds in the Gibraltar fund at suspiciously high rates of interest in order to avoid UK taxation .
20 Hill was the third generation of a family of prominent educationalists and social reformers , who had their origins in the radical Unitarian culture of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Birmingham .
21 The Egyptians could hardly bring themselves to mention the names of Cheops and Chephren , he reports , and preferred to call the pyramids after Philitis , a shepherd who tended his flocks in the area .
22 There were outstanding performances in the field events from Kenneth Churchill ( Middlesbrough ) , Elaine Ord ( Bedlington ) and Denis Ross ( Stockton ) all of whom won their classes in the shot , discus and javelin .
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