Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A group of sports fans are claiming they were overcharged and let down by a tour operator who sold them tickets to the Olympic Games .
2 Over the past 30 years investors in American and British IPOs who sold their shares on the first trading day earned returns of 15% and 12% respectively .
3 I have just met some colleagues in the House — and I do not dare to name the Opposition Members — who asked me questions about the amendment because there were points that they could not understand or that they had not seen before .
4 problems of identification also arise when portraits are less individualised , as in the case of the immediate successors of the Roman Emperor Augustus , who modelled their portraits on the founder of their dynasty .
5 The heroes come across as people who lived their lives to the full and knew how to love and laugh as well as how to fight .
6 Pictures of Lorna Lewis picnicking in pedal pushers , marrying in white and christening her baby daughters counterpointed these triumphs , and the couple , who lived their lives from the outside in , saw themselves looking happy in magazines and believed they were happy , although the combination of Hitchcock and post-natal depression persuaded Lorna to announce that she would take a year off to devote herself to her family .
7 That is why I cherish the work of Messrs David Alford and Ted Hynds of the People , who condensed my musings on the subject of my nasal ingestion of the powdered and refined fruits of the coca leaf into the terse , pithy and intriguingly erect motto , ‘ Cocaine And Me , By Funny Man Fry . ’
8 The terrible murderer who stalked his victims in the Tower ?
9 Finally , there is the criticism of ‘ those associated with him ’ , presumably the Protestant clergymen who shared his objections to the meeting , and there is the suggestion that they and the Ballymoney Council have been manipulated by Rome .
10 It was also Peter 's aim to improve the standard of medical knowledge in Russia and of an estimated 11 doctors , 87 surgeons , one eye specialist and 9 apothecaries who sought their fortunes in the country , many of the most prominent were Scots .
11 Deaths : Sammy Fain : in Los Angeles aged 87 : one of the last tunesmiths who peddled their songs from the back of trucks and in the dingy hallways of Tin Pan Alley .
12 She did n't find anyone very admirable , had reservations about people who devoted their lives to the care of the sick , and she did n't go ‘ Aah ’ over babies and brides or the Princess of Wales .
13 But , however rapidly the filmmakers who built their reputations during the war may have disillusioned the critics , with their narrow concept of what the nation 's filmmakers should be doing , British filmmakers had reason to be confident in 1945 .
14 Those Brothers who honed their souls aboard the fortress-monastery were by no means the only Imperial Fists .
15 The Grand Mistress of the Empress 's Household was the Princess d'Essling ( daughter of a general and married into the family of Marshal Masséna ) , who discharged her duties with a detached severity .
16 In Indochina matters were taken out of his control by the precipitancy of his own local commander , General Gracey , who involved his forces in a defence of French interests far beyond that envisaged in his instructions .
17 Perhaps this was what those few loud-mouthed rabbit-eyed creatures who dropped their bombs at the first flak and then came back and talked about the target area had felt like .
18 He was worn out trying to control the University students who dropped their spears on the stairs and chatted loudly to each other in the wings .
19 But it was Raynor who told her things about the Castle she did not know ; how it had been built for the first High Queen of all , and how the ancient pure magic had been woven into its walls .
20 It was eventually decided that c. 120 onwards was the correct period of building and that the whole edifice was of one time although there were later restorations by both Septimius Severus and Caracalla , who added their inscriptions on the architrave of the portico below that of Agrippa .
21 The training committee was wound up by Vic Machin , the chairman and the BMC secretary Derek Walker some months ago — but they have yet to inform the committee : a clear snub to the many volunteers who banged their heads against a wall with only limited success for a dozen years in a genuine attempt to impart some credibility to the BMC 's involvement in mountain training .
22 What is clear , however , is that the numbers of royal clerks who identified their interests with the crown 's and defied Pecham — and later Winchelsey — were formidable and growing .
23 This followed the intervention of the finance minister , who defended his actions with the Spanish refrain that ‘ the letter kills , and the spirit gives life ’ ( El País , 17 January 1979 ) .
24 In 1983 , the Labour vote held up well among those who rented their homes from the local authorities ( Table 5.7 ) .
25 The former seamen , who risked their lives against the elements and German U-boats to ferry vital supplies to northern Russia , can enjoy a berth on a luxury liner for the return trip .
26 He said all members of the Defence Forces signed an oath when they joined pledging that they would not associate with illegal organisations and this new vetting measure was an insult to those who risked their lives in the fight against terrorism .
27 Sharpe was among the staff officers who trotted their horses down the Charleroi road , past the Gemioncourt farm by the ford , and so on up the shallow hill until they reached the infantry brigade which guarded against any frontal attack up the high road .
28 Easily enough said with hindsight , but then Eric William was not the kind of man who hid his talents behind a bushel , for as Ivar Oxaal noticed , ‘ Eric Williams was always fundamentally , legally , morally and intellectually right ’ while his opponents were ‘ usually incompetent , malicious , and weak-willed creatures ’ who ‘ are reduced to an incoherent blubbering as the omnipotent young black colonial reduces their arguments to ashes . ’
29 Of two hundred and forty people who returned their questionaires to the students union , seventy nine per cent said they 'd been offered drugs .
30 In 1937 the Congregationalist Albert Peel reflected on the late Victorian and Edwardian periods : ‘ Ministers who began their pastorates in the twenty years before the war look back in amazement at sermons they then preached , with their acceptance of the inevitability of progress . ’
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