Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sommerville , of Redburn , Bonhill , Dunbartonshire , admitted stabbing and murdering Mr Friel , who lived on the same estate , in the local shopping centre on 30 October last .
2 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
3 True , both the English and the Latin forms indicate he lived by the ash tree , but did they merely permit the taxatores to avoid confusing him with all the other Johns who lived in the same village ?
4 A teenager who lived in the same address returned and tried to call police after hearing the voice of the lodger and the man , said Charles Kellett , prosecuting .
5 This perhaps was a feature of the Forest of Dean , where four holdings out of five could have been occupied by their owners ( who lived in the same townships ) and many belonged to men worth less than £2 .
6 When Coenred went to Rome he went in the company of Offa , son of Sigehere and king of the eastern Saxons , who abdicated at the same time ( HE V , 19 ) , and the harmony which appears to have prevailed between Coenred and Offa is another salutary warning not to describe relations between overlords and their royal dependants in this period as one of constant hostility .
7 EWM 's auditors — who came from the same firm as the rider 's accountant — suggested the link-up .
8 Did n't we have a black guy who played for a few season in the second division with Revie before the real glory years .
9 Some of these stories were undoubtedly true — I definitely knew some lads who played in the same city of Leeds schoolboys team as him , etc .
10 Although space is at a premium in NOTTINGHAM GRADUATE , we like to find a corner for those who studied at the former University College .
11 Fulco , son and heir of William Michell , surrendered by attorney his copyhold at Cradley , Worcs. , to the use of Richard Smith ; both were non-resident , as was William Bere , who surrendered in the same way at the next court .
12 Catherine and Donald Carswell were a husband and wife literary team who flourished at the same time as another pair , Willa and Edwin Muir .
13 Open , friendly and honest by nature herself , she was happiest with others who acted in the same way , but Adam Burns was a riddle she doubted she would ever find the answer to .
14 Loretta had wandered back into the drawing-room , and was chatting to a classics don who taught at the same college as Bridget .
15 He added : ‘ While Britain will enter the 21st century on the back of a 19th century railway system our French partners , who started at the same time , will have built their modern system ready for the opening of the Channel Tunnel , 10 years ahead of Britain . ’
16 The other was her secret lover , smooth , Australian-born lawyer Phillip Levy , who worked for the same newspaper .
17 Fleming sought help in identifying the mould from the mycologist La Touche , who worked in the same building and who thought that of the many species of Penicillium , it was most like Penicillium rubrum .
18 A DARLINGTON man who worked in the same menswear shop all his adult life has died at the age of 73 .
19 But , trace of humour or not , she was in no mood for the antics of Paul Fisher , one of the men who worked in the same department , who , regardless of her repressive glasses and old-maid hairstyle , was forever ready to make advances .
20 In this strange institution we did not even know all the people who worked in the same room as ourselves , as the action went on twenty-four hours a day , and we were on duty on varying shifts .
21 ‘ He was a very old man who worked in the same room as John Dyson and myself . ’
22 Each of these is regarded as part of the family , as are people who originated in the same village .
23 Here was a fellow human , Canadian , and Montrealer who went to the same movies and read the same papers as you or I. 1 . )
24 The Second Son had returned to the coast with his father in order to fly to Doha to see a friend who went to the same university in England .
25 There she claimed that the boy , who went to the same school , raped her .
26 Bargain-hunters lost deposits on ordered new cars after Intercar and its sister firm , general motor dealers Reddoe , who traded from the same garage in Kings Mills Road , called in the liquidators .
27 From this cohort we selected homosexual men who seroconverted in the same study period as the drug users who seroconverted .
28 Prost , who appeared at the same conference , said : ‘ I made my apologies to the world council .
29 " The neighbourhood was not very populous and during the first three days our visitors were few , some children from the village below , a gypsy woman or two with dark eyes , who carried of a few halfpence , and perhaps a chance passer by .
30 The county members and those who sat for the few boroughs in which the franchise was reasonably wide were normally the most independent of eighteenth-century MPs ; but they were in a minority .
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