Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [verb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Although many board members reported being fascinated by recent developments , it was not uncommon to find those who failed to appreciate the amount of change since their own schooldays .
2 Some officers can now see that at the time they were " typical colonialists " who failed to read the signs of the tinies or entrust positions of authority more readily to African leadership .
3 Myo Nyunt in a speech on Aug. 15 , 1989 , accused traders who failed to cut the price of rice , meat and fish of " aiming at political and economic instability " .
4 Published by the International Development Research Centre ( IDRC ) in Canada , the papers were prepared by media theoreticians and practitioners from across the African continent who met to discuss the use of media to relay development information .
5 From the age of thirty , according to Foxe , he devoted his whole mind to the study of religion and he was a member of a group which included Tyndale , Coverdale and Latimer who met to discuss the writings of Luther and other Reformers at the White Horse Inn in Cambridge .
6 It was these northern gentry who became the model for those who sought to save the influence of the nobility by involving it in a movement for reform and economic progress .
7 Stephen Shepkey , an art restorer and professed gun dealer , was the man who helped organize the shooting of David Wilson .
8 However , in the battle which followed it was certainly Rodrigo who helped turn the tide of events for Sancho .
9 Eileen remembers Selina as a bubbly girl who helped to scrub the floors of the tourist office , made her own clothes and lived in a small cottage .
10 The newly opened Kirchner Museum in Davos is dedicated to the life and works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner , the German artist who helped draft the manifesto of the Die Brücke school in Berlin in 1905 .
11 Even Richard Crossman , who tried to abolish the House of Lords in the 1960s , was finally seduced : ‘ A fascinating place … undoubtedly the best club in London …
12 The Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal both sent representatives , as did the Scottish emergency services who tried to rescue the men of flight XV 193 .
13 , Richard Austin ( 1862–1943 ) , detective-story writer , was born 11 April 1862 at 27 Thayer Street , in Marylebone , London , the youngest of five children ( four of them sons ) of Richard Freeman , a journeyman tailor who rose to become the manager of a bespoke tailoring business , and his wife Ann Maria Dunn .
14 Sebastian 's mother , Deborah , was the only person who seemed to suspect the disarray of Alix 's emotions .
15 In this conversation he cited the case of Montaigne : here was a man who seemed to understand the kind of world he was living in .
16 If necessary , he would send Sergeant Phyllis Henley , who seemed to understand the ways of the family , to sit outside the door in her car until Peter Fleming either came out or came home .
17 Carrick then destroyed the Somerset middle order and his next three wickets were all the result of fine catches by Sachin Tendulkar , who seemed to relish the challenge of fielding close to the bat at silly mid-off .
18 ‘ And what made her run his mother in to Dublin to change her wedding outfit , a woman , moreover , who 'd blackened the character of her beloved grandfather . ’
19 In her first term at St Cecilia 's there 'd been a girl who 'd had the gift of levitation , a disturbed girl called Julie who had been able to float eight feet above the ground , whom Miss Scuse had eventually had to have removed .
20 Next day , Major patti arrived by plane , bringing Jean Sainteny who claimed to resume the authority of France .
21 When we find that the experience of unemployment makes people more likely to contemplate breaking an unjust law , we assume that the reasons for this are general ; we suppose that the increased likelihood would operate for anyone who happened to undergo the experience of unemployment .
22 Between 1882 and 1894 China was represented by an ambitious , astute official , Yuan Shih-k'ai , who worked to postpone the rise of Japanese authority in Korea .
23 Vladimir Ulyanov — who chose to use the name of ‘ Lenin'-had been exiled to Siberia in 1895 after he had founded a Union for the liberation of the working classes .
24 ALL of the leading Temps who gathered to witness the Earl of Carlisle opening their Institute in Gladstone Street on September 23 1903 were captured by a cameraman .
25 By contrast , here is a comment by an anthropologist who went to see the work of Mark Rothko .
26 The imperial presence was manifest : those who attended had the advantage of travelling on the imperial transport system ; the structure of the Council mirrored that of senatorial procedure , the 318 fathers ( a traditional number — actual attendance was more likely to have been about 250 ) gathered in a hall of the imperial palace ; Constantine spoke asking them to restore concord , and then left them to themselves .
27 The conference enabled voluntary organisations who attended to consider the implications of the review for them and their work .
28 It was originally founded as the Deaf Friends ' Club for the oral deaf who desired to have the opportunity of meeting together for social intercourse and mutual improvement .
29 The few feminists who did consider the problem of women 's domestic labour came up with a collectivist solution similar to that of Beveridge .
30 He was succeeded by Okuma Shigenobu , who re-negotiated to restrict the inclusion of foreign judges to the Supreme Court ; foreign approval for the new legal code was also waived .
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