Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [v-ing] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to work with people who are running a small firm , people who are dealing with the same problems as me because they 're running a small business . ’
2 Recognition that the members of organizations share group identities and have interests which may not coincide with others who are contributing to the same goals began with the Human Relations movement and its founder George Elton Mayo ( 1933 ) .
3 Meeting people who are going through the same experience will help you out of your depression .
4 More importantly , they are locked into their own epistemic community , composed of others who are working in the same subject areas .
5 Of the carers in the 1985 GHS who were living in the same household as the person receiving care , 51 per cent of women reported spending at least fifty hours a week giving help compared with only 39 per cent of men .
6 This sort of pressure , combined with fear of the Spaniards , made it easier for the English to work with the French who were settling in the same region of islands than earlier or later generations would have thought possible .
7 And there 'd been quite a number there , obviously in that burns unit , who were suffering from the same type of er injury .
8 His love affair was with laughter , and it came in Black Comedy when his character , sculptor Brindsley Miller , was improving the look of his shabby flat by ‘ borrowing ’ priceless porcelain and antique furniture from his friend next door to impress his fiancee 's snooty father , who is visiting on the same evening that the supposed richest man in the world is arriving to inspect his sculpture .
9 Opened by another Mr Perkins who was staying at the same hotel , the package was passed to police who were ready and waiting for the actor when he arrived at the hotel in Cardiff .
10 ‘ But there was another person who was staying in the same house — the Reverend Arthur Lyle .
11 In 1946 in Milan , Werner met a young woman who was looking at the same things as he was .
12 She cast an impatient look at Mitch , who was standing with the same stunned attitude he had adopted when he had seen that the girl was blind .
13 Their request for assistance was referred to a circuit judge who in turn referred it to Ward J. who was sitting in the same circuit centre .
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