Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean people who are living in the old common lodging houses and in government resettlement units , people living in squats and dingy bed-and-breakfast hotels , and families living cooped up with their relatives because there 's nowhere else for them to go .
2 He is one of thousands here who are wrestling with the economic difficulties .
3 President , with a very heavy heart and bitter disappointment for all our people out there , who are depending on the Social Chapter to give them dignity , safety and a reasonable standar standard of living , I reluctantly withdraw this motion , but I will say this , we live to fight another day .
4 Those of us involved in English language studies and teaching , and perhaps those in particular who are swimming against the ever-shifting currents that comprise the National English Curriculum , can benefit from Morton 's method .
5 In a broadcast on Aug. 23 Saddam Hussein called on Mubarak to " take the side of the … poor of the Arab nation " and " be among the ranks of the faithful who are striving against the corrupt , the dissolute , the tyrants and the army of invaders " .
6 I wanted to work with people who are running a small firm , people who are dealing with the same problems as me because they 're running a small business . ’
7 Recognition that the members of organizations share group identities and have interests which may not coincide with others who are contributing to the same goals began with the Human Relations movement and its founder George Elton Mayo ( 1933 ) .
8 Among the students who are studying at the Central School , which was set up in 1982 by Christopher Gable and Ann Stannard , special mention must go to the male dancers for their outstanding elevation and strength .
9 But there are certain feelings and reactions in bereavement that are common to much of the animal kingdom , including the human race , and all who are caring for the bereaved need to be aware of them , as well as being ready to accept the tremendous range of responses that people can produce from time to time in their efforts to deal with their painful situation .
10 Those who are caring for the bereaved need to be prepared to expect all kinds of strange reactions and uncharacteristic behaviour from them occasionally .
11 And that 's good news for the butterflies and bees who are delighting in the sunny side of farming 1990s style .
12 Meeting people who are going through the same experience will help you out of your depression .
13 But I do n't know quite why it is — maybe that 's one area where I do find there 's a bit of segregation , or maybe it 's just that people do n't have the time available , but it 's a different sector of the community who are working with the basic things like helping the old and the infirm more , just being able to give cups of coffee to people , or chatting to them , or visiting them , or whatever .
14 Generally middle-aged , they may even have children who are working for the left-wing opposition , but their own closed environment has protected them from any understanding of the reality of their country .
15 The MRC provides grants for medically and non-medically qualified graduates who are working in the general field of medical research .
16 More importantly , they are locked into their own epistemic community , composed of others who are working in the same subject areas .
17 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their applications to UCCA through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London as listed in an appendix to the UCCA handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania and Thailand .
18 Overseas candidates who are applying from the following countries are advised to submit their application to UCAS through the appropriate overseas students ' office in London listed in the UCAS handbook : Cyprus , Ghana ( private candidates only ) , Guyana , India , Luxembourg , Mauritius , Tanzania , Thailand .
19 Like me , like us , who are dissolving into the whirling water too .
20 The same question , that lack of influence on Labour authorities who are behaving like the worst Tory employers , has to be posed in relation to a number of situations throughout the country .
21 Dundee club coach Stewart Harris , the Teamsport co-ordinator for basketball , is taking over from Lawrence Randak as coach to the student side who are preparing for the British Universities group tournament in Bath next week .
22 The Titfords ' immediate neighbours boasted domestic servants : two of them to look after a boot manufacturer and his wife at no. 15 , and just the one to attend to the needs of a photographer and his stepdaughter who were living on the other side .
23 For example , John Fox and Peter Goldblatt ( 1982 ) have shown that after controlling for age , mortality in the 5 years following the 1971 Census for men aged 15 to 64 was greater for the highest social class , professional workers , who were living in the local authority sector , than for the lowest social class , unskilled manual workers , in the owner-occupied sector ( see figure 7.9 ) .
24 Of the carers in the 1985 GHS who were living in the same household as the person receiving care , 51 per cent of women reported spending at least fifty hours a week giving help compared with only 39 per cent of men .
25 This sort of pressure , combined with fear of the Spaniards , made it easier for the English to work with the French who were settling in the same region of islands than earlier or later generations would have thought possible .
26 Five minutes later , however , she became only too aware of other members of staff who were trickling into the social club as their shift ended and suddenly , mindful of the interpretation that had been put on her being with David Markham on the last occasion they had visited the club , she finished her drink and stood up .
27 Readers who were detecting in the late 1970s and 1980s will remember the range of excellent specialist diggers designed and manufactured by Buffallo Tools of Rayleigh in Essex .
28 Although originating in the universities , the new grassland ecology did not become a formal academic discipline , and flourished best among botanists with a practical concern for the problems experienced by the farmers who were interfering with the natural vegetation of the area .
29 There had always been a radical element in the local Labour parties and this was now augmented by former members of the ILP who were returning to the Labour Party in large numbers .
30 This was the first survey to attempt to study a nationally representative sample of those who were caring for the sick , elderly and handicapped , although there have been a variety of small local surveys and qualitative investigations of this topic .
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