Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [be] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Get those who are with you on the mat to sit down so that the emergency services have a clear view across the area and can move quickly in the event of accident .
2 They have appealed for people who were with her on the night of October 22 to contact them .
3 War Vets who were with me on the march-past on Saturday , our thanks to all those who made it possible the R.N. , the R.N.A. , the police , the Sea Cadets , the catering staff in St George 's Hall and the youth band who played such lovely tunes all afternoon .
4 You who were with me in the ships at Mylae ! '
5 During his time in Brazil he was sheltered by Wolfram and Liselotte Bossert , an Austrian couple introduced to him by Gerhard , who were with him on the day he died .
6 Those who were with him on the tour of Dark Summer at the time were equally astounded .
7 ‘ We are toasting missing colleagues who were with us in the buffet and who would have preferred us to do it this way , instead of being sombre , ’ said Mr Christopher Reeves , a consultant engineer who joined the train at Southampton Parkway station .
8 Oh , who 's with you on the bench .
9 You never know who is behind you in the queue .
10 What I really want is to meet someone who I can have a bit of fun with , but who is in it for the pleasure and does n't want paying .
11 But it is certainly possible , at least , that he survived the Cross — if , indeed , it was he who was on it in the first place , rather than the substitute claimed by the Koran and by many early heresies .
12 McQuaid was a drunken blackguard who was with me in the war .
13 Mark escaped unscathed thanks to a fast-talking Indonesian who was with him on the expedition .
14 The Corporal who was with us at the time , a new one detached from Orange , immediately awarded Mike 2,000 press-ups .
15 Lucifer also could not be sure who was before him in the garden .
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